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Description of Collection Locality (also see Poem)


Mike and Gerry Cloncs, Montgomery County, Indiana  (Contacts)



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         The site is located in West central Indiana (Photo).  The various stones or cobbles were found along a creek, and also on tilled ground.  Some were also located along a little ditch, and another little creek that feeds into the same larger creek.  The bottom field, along this creek has been flooded at times causing erosion over many years.  Also, there had been an Amerindian village close by in the same low valley, but there is no data of its age.  More than likely it had been used by many cultures.  Parts of the field have become depressed—washed away.  The soil is quite sandy in certain places.  Part of the small field also consists of loam.  Portions are obviously subsoil.  Many stones seem to have worked their way up—and, as stated much of the soil has been eroded.  A very helpful Geologist of the U.S. Geological Survey related to us that this is a non-glaciated area of Indiana, so the markings could not have been made by glacier movement or natural weathering phenomena.  We find perfect large and small points, celts, and scrapers (see Tools).  Some of these also have the markings.  To the North, there is a rise.  At one time it was a little hill—in another adjacent field.  The owner of that field bulldozed it a bit more level.  However, even before this, we found—and still find many artifacts/rocks at the base of that hill.  There are hills along this field at one end.  Many stones are located there.  Having some experience on farms, we are aware of what a plow and disc can do to rocks.  Plough disc scrapes are indeed seen now and then, and usually, unless there are other markings on a rock, these are discarded.  These stones do not appear to have been designed by haphazard disc scrapes, natural inclusions, broken edges or natural weathering phenomena.  There are many stylized patterns, consistent markings and carvings among the many specimens.  This site shows possible signs of human activity over a very long time period [see Authentication]. 


          Besides the tools and probably some early forms of writing there are many stones that are carved in the shape of human heads, and animals.  However, many of the stones have only small, 3-10 cm. carvings located on their surfaces.  There are numerous “cameos” carved directly on the quartz or other materials in the rocks that depict humans either solitary or in groups engaged in various activities, and animals.  Of the latter a principal theme is the American lion (Panthera atrox), primarily males, and guanacos, bison, horses, and some wild pigs.  One carving depicts a rider on horseback.


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