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REFERENCES TO CHALCIDOIDEA References: Please refer to <biology.ref.htm>, [Additional references
may be found at: MELVYL
Library] <CHALCID.A> Abdurahiman, U. C. & K. J. Joseph. 1967. Contributions to
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Torymidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) from Ficusarnottiana.
Orient. Insects 10: 541-42. Abdurahiman, U. C. & K. J. Joseph. 1979. Observations on
the oviposition behaviour in Apocrypta
bakeri Joseph (Torymidae:
Hymenoptear). J. Bombay Nat. Hist.
Soc. 76: 219-23. Agarwal, M. M. 1984. On the synonymy of Neotainania brevicornis
Hussain & Agarwal with Uga
menoni Kerrich (Hymenoptera:
Chalcididae). J. Ent. Res. 8(2): 225. Ahmad, M. 1946. Some new species of parasitic Hymenoptera
from India. Indian J. Ent. 7: 5-11. Alam, S. M.
1956. The taxonomy of some British aphelinid parasites (Hymenoptera)
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Roy. Ent. Soc. Lond. 108: 357-84. Allman, S. L. 1927. The codling moth (Cydia pomonella
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Serv., South Afr. 5: 1-71. Annecke, D. P. & G. L. Prinsloo. 1977. A new species of Allotropa Foerster (Hymenoptera:
Platygasteridae) parasitic in the citrus mealybug, Planococcus citri
(Risso) (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae), in South Africa. J. Ent. Soc. So. Afr. 40: 105-08. Ansari, M. H. 1967. The process of egg laying in Idarninae
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3: 230-33. Ashmead, W. H. 1896. On the genera of Eupelmidae. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 4: 4-20. Ashmead, W. H.
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Chalcidologica hungarica. Ann. Hist. Nat. Mus. Matl. Hung. (s.n.)
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1956a. Gezogene und gesammelte
neue Zehrwespen aus Ungarn. Acta Agr. Aacad. Sci. Hung. 6: 375-92. Erdös, J.
1956. Additamenta ad
cognitionem faune Chalcidoidarum in Hungaria et regionibus finitimis. VI. 19.
Eulophidae. Folia Ent. Hung. (s.n.)
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1957a. Series Encyrtidarum novarum
hungaricarum. Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 3:
5-87. Erdös, J.
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observationes entomocoenologicae in Phragmite communi Trin. Allattani Közlemények 46: 49-65. Erdös, J.
1957c. Miscellanea
chalcididologica Hungarica. Ann.
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347-74. Erdös, J.
1957d. Eulophidae novae gallicae (Hym.). Bull. Soc. ent France 62:
279-87. Erdös, J. 1971. Chalcidoidea
VIII. Fauna Hungariae 104. 252 p. <CHALCID.F> Fabricius, I. C. 1787. Mantissa Insectorum sistens eorum species
numer detectas adiectis characteribus genericis, differentiis specificis,
emendationibus, observationibus. 20 & 348 p. Farooqui, S. I. 1985. Family Torymidae, p. 268-272. In:
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adjacent countries. Part I. Reviews
of families and keys to families and genera.
Oriental Insects 19: 163-310. Farooqui, S. I.
1986. Family Torymidae, p.
259-77. In: B. R. Subba
Rao & M. Hayat (eds.), The Chalcidoidea of India and the adjacent
countries. II. A catalogue of
Chalcidoidea of India and the adjacent countries. Oriental Insects 20: 1-430. Farooqui, S. I. & B. R. Subba Rao. 1985. Family
Pteromalidae, p. 254-63. Family
Eurytomidae, p. 264-67. In: B. R. Subba Rao & M.
Hayat (eds.), The Chalcidoidea of India and the adjacent countries. Part
I. Reviews of families and keys to
families and genera. Oriental Insects
19: 163-310. Farooqui, S. I. & B. R. Subba Rao. 1986. Family
Eurytomidae, p. 247-58. Family Pteromalidae, p. 279-306. In: B. R. Subba Rao & M. Hayat (eds.), The
Chalcidoidea of India and the adjacent countries. II. A catalogue of Chalcidoidea of India and
the adjacent countries. Oriental
Insects 20: 1-430. Farooqui, S. I. & M. G. Ramdas Menon. 1973.
Two new genera and three new species of Brachyscelidiphagini
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Soc. Ent. France 98: 143-61. Ferrière, C. 1930. Notes on Asiatic Chalcidoidea. Bull. Ent. REs. 21: 353-60. Ferrière, C. 1931a. Notes on African Chalcidoidea. Bull. Ent. REs. 22: 127-35. Ferrière, C. 1931b. New chalcidoid egg-parasites from South
Asia. Bull. Ent. REs. 22: 279-95. Ferrière, C. 1933. Chalcidoid and Proctotrupoid parasites of
pests of the coconut palm. Stylops
2: 86-108. Ferrière, C. 1934.
Note sur les Pireninae, avec descriptions de deux nouvelles
especes. Mitt. schweiz. Ent. Ges. 16: 83-93. Ferrière, C. 1935. The chalcidoid parasites of lac
insects. Bull. Ent. Res. 26: 391-406. Ferrière, C. 1936. Two new egg-prasites of Batocera (Col., Lamiid.) in
Malaya. Bull. Ent. REs. 27: 331-33. Ferrière, C. 1938a. Descriptions of some African Eulophidae
(Hym. Chalc.). Bull. Ent. Res.
29: 141-47. Ferrière, C. 1938b. Eupelmides exotiques (Hymenopt.
Chalcididae) I. Les genres Metapelma
Westw., Anastatoidea Gahan
et Neanasiatus Girault. Ann. Soc. Ent. France 107: 25-72. Ferrière, C. 1939. Chalcid flies attacking noxious beetles in
New Guinea. Bull. Ent. Res. 30: 163-68. Ferrière, C. 1940. On some parasites and hyperparasites of Artona catoxantha, Hamps.
Bull. Ent. Res. 31: 131-39. Ferrière, C. 1941. New species of Euplectrini (Hym.
Chalcidoidea) from Europe, Africa and Asia.
Bull. Ent. Res. 32: 17-48. Ferrière, C. 1952. Parasites de Lyonetia clerckella en Valais (Hym. Chalcidoidea). Mitt. schweiz. Ent. Ges. 25:
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parasites de Lithocolletis platani en Italie. Boll. 1st
Ent. Univ.
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Chalcidoidea). Mitt. schweiz. Ent.
Ges. 27: 1-21. Ferrière, C. 1955. Les
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de cochenilles (Coccidae) sur graminées.
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350-64. Ferrière, C. 1957. Die Parasiten von
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Süd-Bayern. Opusc. Zool. Nr. 10. 9 p. Ferrière, C. & G. J. Kerrich. 1958. Hymenoptera 2. Chalcidoidea. Section
(a)> Handbk. Ident. British
Insects 8(2a). 40 p. Ferrière, C. 1960. Chalcidiens des
yles du Cap Vert. Comment. Biol. 23(3):
3-18. Ferrière, C. & V. Delucchi.
1957. les Hyménoptères parasites de la mouche
des olives. I. Les Chalcidiens de la région méditerranéenne. Entomophaga 2: 119-24. Fitton, M. G., M. W. R. de V. Graham, Z.
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ek, N. D. M. Fergusson, T. Huddleston, J.
Quinlan & O. W. Richards. 1978. Hymenoptera. In: A check list of British Insects, Part
4. handbk. Ident. Br. Insects
11(4): 159 p. Flanders, S. E.
1953. Aphelinid biologies with
implications for taxonomy. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 46: 84-94. Flanders, S. E. 1967. Deviate- ontogenies in the aphelinid male
associated with the ovipositional behavior of the parental female. Entomophaga 12: 415-27. Flock, R. A. 1957. Biological notes on a new chalcid-fly from
seed-like Eucalpytus galls
in California. Pan-Pac. Ent. 33: 153-55. Förster, A.
1851. Eine Centurie neuer
Hymenopteren. Verh. naturh. Ver.
Preuss. Rheinl. Westph. 8: 1-42. Förster, A.
1856. Hymenopterologische
Studien. 2 Heft. Chalcidiae und
Proctotrupii. Aachen Publ. 152 p. Förster, A.
1860. Eine Centurie neuer
Hymenopteren. Verh. naturh. Ver.
preuss. Rheinl. 17: 93-153. Förster, A.
1878. Kleine Monographien
parasitischer Hymenopteren. Verh.
naturh. Ver. Preuss. Rheinl. 35:
42-82. Forel, A. 1890. Un parasite de la
Myrmecia forficata Fabr. Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 20: 8-10. Frottatt, W. W. 1890. Catalogue of the described Hymenoptera of
Australia. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 2, 5: 689-762. Froggatt, W. W. 1892. Notes on Australian Cynipidae, with
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of caprification. Agr. Gaz., N.S.W. 11: 447-56. Froggatt, W. W. 1905. The insects of the kurrajong (Brachychiton populneum). Agr. Gaz., N.S.W. 16: 226-34. Froggatt, W. W. 1907. Australian Insects. Publ., Sydney. 449 p. Froggatt, W. W. 1916. A new parasite on sheep maggot flies. Notes and description of a chalcid
parasite (Chalcis calliphorae). Agr. Gaz., N.S.W. 27: 505-06. Froggatt, W. W. 1919. The digger chalcis parasite (Dirrhinus sarcophagae n.sp. on Sarcophaga
aurifrons). Agr. Gaz., N.S.W. 30: 853-55. Froggatt, W. W. 1921a. Sheep-maggot flies and their
parasites. Observations made during
the investigations carried out at the Government Sheep-fly Experiment
Station, Warrah, 1910-1921. Agr. Gaz., N.S.W. 32: 725-31, 807-13. Froggatt, W. W. 1921b. Chalcid wasps and lucerne seed. Agr. Gaz, N.S.W. 32: 905. Froggatt, W. W. 1922. Parasites of olive scale (Lecanium oleae). Agr. Gaz., N.S.W. 33: 56. Froggatt, W. W. 1923. Forest Insects of Australia. Publ., Sydney. 171 p. Froggatt, W. W. 1927. Forest Insects and Timber Borers. Publ., Sydney. 107 p. Froggatt, W. W. & T. McCarthy. 1914. The parasits of
the sheep-maggot fly (Nasonia
brevicornis). Notes and observations in the field and
laboratory. Agr. Gaz., N.S.W. 25: 759-64. Fullaway, D. T.
1953. Three new species of Eurytoma (Hymenoptera:
Eurytomidae). proc. Hawaii. Ent. Soc.
15: 33-6. Fullaway, D. T.
1955. Description of a new
genus and species of parasitic wasp (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Proc. Hawaii. Ent. Soc. 15: 409-10. Fulton, B. B. 1933. Notes on Habrocytus cerealellae,
parasite of the angoumois grain moth.
Ent. Soc. Amer. 26: 536-53. <CHALCID.G> Gadd, C. H. 1945. Ceylon Euplectrini (Hym.). Bull. Ent. REs. 36: 331-37. Gahan, A. B. 1913. new Hymenoptera from North America. proc. U. S. Natl. Mus. 46: 431-44. Gahan, A. B. 1914. Descriptions of new genera and species,
with notes on parasitic Hymenoptera.
Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 48:
155-68. Gahan, A. B. 1918. A synopsis of the species belonging to the
chalcidoid genus Rileya
Ashmead. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash.
20: 136-50. Gahan, A. B. 1919. Report on a small collection of Indian
parasitic Hymenoptera. Proc. U. S.
Natl. Mus. 56: 513-24. Gahan, A. B. 1921. On the identity of several species of
Chalcididea (Hymenoptera). Proc. Ent.
Soc. Wash. 22: 235-43. Gahan, A. B. 1922a. A list of phytophagous Chalcidoidea with
descriptions of two new species.
Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 24:
33-58. Gahan, A. B. 1922b. Descriptions of miscellaneous new reared
parasitic Hymenoptera. Proc. U. S.
Natl. Mus. 61(24): 1-24. Gahan, A. B. 1922c. Report on a small collection of parasitic
Hymenoptera from Java and Sumatra. Treubia 3: 47-52. Gahan, A. B. 1924. On the identity of Eurytoma oleariae
Maskell. Trans. N.Z. Inst. 55: 687-88. Gahan, A. B. 1925. A second lot of parasitic Hymenoptera from
the Philippines. Philipp. J. Sci.
27: 83-109. Gahan, A. B. 1927. Miscellaneous descriptions of new
parasitic Hymenoptera with some synonymical notes. Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 71:
1-39. Gahan, A. B. 1932. Miscellaneous descriptions and notes on
parasitic Hymenoptera. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 35: 736-57. Gahan, A. B. 1933. The serphoid and chalcidoid parasits of
the Hessian fly. U. S. Dept. Agr.
Misc. Publ. 174: 1-147. Gahan, A. B. 1938. Notes on some genera and species of
Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). Proc.
Ent. Soc. Wash. 40: 209-27. Gahan, A. B. 1940. A contribution to the knowledge of the
Eucharidae. Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus.
88: 424-58. Gahan, A. B. 1941a. A revision of the chalcid-flies of the
genus Monodontomerus in the
United States National Museum. Proc.
U.S. Natl. Mus. 90: 461-81. Gahan, A. B. 1941b. Note on a Puerto Rican species of
Eulophidae (Hymenoptera). Proc. Ent.
Soc. Wash. 43: 1-2. Gahan, A. B. 1943. Revisions of two genera of chalcid-flies
belonging to the family Eupelmidae from North and South America. Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 94: 339-69. Gahan, A. B. 1946. Review of some Chalcidoid genera related
to Cerocephala
Westwood. Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus.
96: 349-76. Gahan, A. B. 1951. Some synonymy and new combinations in
Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). Canad.
Ent. 83: 170-76 Gahan, A. B. & M. M. Fagan.
1923. The type species of the
genera of Chalcidoidea or chalcid-flies.
Bull. U. S. Natl. Mus. 124:
1-173. Gahan, A. B. & C. Ferriere.
1947. Notes on some
gall-inhabiting Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera).
Ent. Soc. Amer. 40: 271-302. Gahan, A. B. & O. Peck.
1946. Notes on some Ashmedian
genotypes in the hymenopterous superfamily Chalcidoidea. J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 9: 314-17. Galil, J. & D. Eisikowitch. 1968. On the pollinating ecology of Ficus sycomorus in East Africa.
Ecology 49: 259-69. Gallard, L. 1930. Note on exhibit. Aust. Nat. 8: 40. Galloway, I. D. & B. A. Franzmann. 1983. A new species of Perilampus Latreille
(Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) from Australia with notes on its biology. J. Aust. Ent. Soc. 22: 109-12. Gauld, I. D. 1984. An Introduction to the Ichneumonidae of
Australia, with a Contribution on Metopiinae by M. G. Fitton. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist., London. 413 p. Gauld, I. D. & B. Bolton (eds.). 1988. The
Hymenoptera. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist.
& Oxford Univ Press. 332 p. Gay, F. J. 1935. The peach moth. Investigations in the Goulbourn Valley. Prog. Rept. for the season 1934-1935. J. Dept. Agr. Vict. 33: 365-69. Ghani, M. A. 1962. Collection of Diatraea striatalis
Tns. (Diptera, Tachinidae) in Java.
Tech. Bull. C.I.B.C. 2: 1-27. Ghesquière, J. 1946. Contribution a l'etude des
microhymenotperes du Congo belge. X.
Nouvelles denominations pour quelques genres de Chalcidoidea et
Mymaroidea. Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr.
39: 367-73. Ghesquière, J. 1957. Le genre Rhopus Förster nouveau pour l'Amérique du Sud. (Hym. Chalcidoidea, Encyrtidae). Neotropica 3: 17-22. Ghesquière, J. 1963. Le genre Macromesus Walker nouveau pour la Faune Africane. Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr. 67: 81-90. Gibson, F. A. & J. G. Gellatley. 1968.
Epimegastigmus brevivalvus Gir. (Hymenoptera: Torymidae), a parasite of citrus gall wasp in the
Sydney district. Agr. Gaz., N.S.W. 79: 312-14. Gibson, G. A. P. 1985. Some pro- and mesothoracic structures
important for phylogenetic analysis of Hymenoptera, with a review of terms
used for the structures. Canad. Ent.
117: 1395-1443. Gibson, G. A. P.
1986a. Evidence for monophyly
and relationships of Chalcidoidea, Mymaridae, and Mymarommatidae
(Hymenoptera: Tenebrantes). Canad.
Ent. 118: 205-40. Gibson, G. A. P.
1986b. Mesothoracic
skeletomusculature and mechanics of flight and jumping in Eupelminae
(Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea: Eupelmidae).
Canad. Ent. 118: 691-728. Gibson, G. A. P.
1989. Phylogeny and
classification of Eupelmidae, with a revision of the world genera of
Calosotinae and Metapelmatinae. mem.
Ent. Soc. Canad. 149: 1-121. Girault, A. A. [for vague A. A. Girault citations, please see Bou
ek, 1988. Many citations were published privately by
A. A. Girault himself]. Girault, A. A. 1911. New chalcidoid genera and species from
Paraguay. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Hymenopterenfauna
von Paraguay, hrsg. v. E. Strand. IX. Zool. Jb. f. Syst. 31: 377-406. Girault, A. A. 1912. A new Melittobia
from Queensland, Australia. Psyche 19:
203-05. Girault, A. A. 1912-1915. Australian Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea. I-XIV
& supplements. Mem. Qd. Mus.
1: 66-189; 2: 101-334; 3: 142-346; 4:
1-365. [see Dahms, 1978, for
bibliography of Girault publ.) Girault, A. A.
1913a. A new genus of
chalcidoid Hym. J. Ent. Zool. 5: 53-4. Girault, A. A.
1913b. On several new genera
and species of Australian Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea. Canad. Ent. 45: 101-06. Girault, A. A.
1913c. On several new genera
and species of Australian Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea (cont'd.). Canad. 45: 138-45. Girault, A. A.
1913d. Some new genera and
species of chalcidoid Hymenoptear of the family Eulophidae from
Australia. J. Ent. Zool. 5: 103-12. Girault, A. A.
1913e. A new gall-inhabiting
eulophid genus from Queensland, Australia.
Entomologist 46: 177-78. Girault, A. A.
1913f. Some new Australian
genera in the hymenopterous families Eurytomidae, Perilampidae, Eucharidae
and Cleonymidae. Canad. Ent. 45: 220-28. Girault, A. A.
1913g. New genera and species
of chalcidoid Hymenoptera from North Queensland. Arch.
Naturgesch. 79, Abt. A, H.6: 46-51. Girault, A. A.
1913h. More new genera and
species of chalcidoid Hymenoptera from Paraguay. Arch.
Naturgesch. 79, Abt. A, h.6: 51-69. Girault, A. A.
1913i. Some chalcidoid
Hymenoptera from North Queensland. Arch. Naturgesch. 79, Abt. A, h.6: 70-90. Girault, A. A.
1913j. Diagnoses of new
chalcidoid Hymenoptera from Queensland, Australia. Arch.
Naturgesch. 79, Abt. A, H.6: 9--107. Girault, A. A.
1913k. Three new genera of
chalcidoid Hymenoptear from Queensland.
Ent. News 24: 457-60. Girault, A. A.
1913-L. New genera dn species
of chalcidoid Hymenoptera belonging to the family Eulophidae from
Australia. Societas Ent. 28: 99-100. Girault, A. A. 1913m. Australian Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea--
III. Supplement. Mem. Qd. Mus. 2: 130-39. Girault, A. A.
1913n. Australian Hymenoptera
Chalcidoidea-- IV. The family Eulophidae
with descriptions of new genera and species.
Mem. Qd. Mus. 2: 140-296. Girault, A. A.
1913o. Australian Hymenoptera
Chalcidoidea-- V. The family
Perilampidae with the descriptions of one new genus and four species. Mem. Qd. Mus. 2: 297-302. Girault, A. A.
1913p. Australian Hymenoptera
Chalcidoidea-- VI. The family
Pteromalidae with descriptions of new genera and species. Mem. Qd. Mus. 2: 303-34. Girault, A. A.
1913q. A new species of
Elasmide of the genus Euryischia
Howard from Australia, and a new Podagrionella. Canad. Ent. 45: 427-28. Girault, A. A.
1913r. New genera and species
of chalcidoid Hymenoptera belonging to the family Eulophidae from
Australia. Societas Ent. 28: 104-05. Girault, A. A. 1913s. A few new chalcidoid Hymenoptera from
Queensland, Australia. Bull. Wis.
Nat. Hist. Soc. (n.s.) 11: 35-48. Girault, A. A.
1913t. New genera and species
of chalcidoid Hymenoptera in the South Australian Museum. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Aust. 37: 37-115. Girault, A. A.
1914a. A new megastigmid from
Queensland, Australia (Hym., Chalcidoidea).
Ent. News 25: 25. Girault, A. A.
1914b. A new chalcidid genus
and species of Hymenoptera from Australia.
Ent. News 25: 30. Girault, A. A.
1914c. New genera and species
of chalcidoid Hymenoptear belonging to the family Eulophidae from
Australia. Societas Ent. 29: 6-8. Girault, A. A. 1914d. New genera and species of chalcidoid
Hymenoptera belonging to the family Eulophidae from Australia (cont'd.). Societas Ent. 29: 10-12. Girault, A. A. 1914e. A new genus of trydymine Miscogasteridae
(Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea).
Entomologist 47: 68-9. Girault, A. A.
1914f. Some new genera and
species of chalcidoid Hymenoptear of the family Encyrtidae from
Australia. Societas Ent. 29: 22-4. Girault, A. A. 1914g. Some new genera and species of chalcidoid
Hymenoptera of the family Encyrtidae from Australia (Cont'd.). Societas Ent. 29: 33-4. Girault, A. A. 1914h. Some new Australian genera and species of chalcidoid
Hymenoptera of the families Chalcididae.
Eurytomidae, Pteromalidae and Microgasteridae. Societas Ent. 29: 47-8. Girault, A. A.
1914i. Some new Australian
genera and species of chalcidoid Hymenoptera of the families Chalcididae,
Callimomidae, Eurytomidae, Pteromalidae and Microgasteridae (Cont'd.). Societas Ent. 29: 51-2. Girault, A. A. 1914j. Some new Australian genera and species of
chalcidoid Hymenoptera of the families Chalcididae, Callimomidae,
Eurytomidae, Pteromalidae and Microgasteridae (Cont'd.). Societas Ent. 29: 54-6. Girault, A. A. 1914k. On the affinities of the subfamily
Aphelininae. Z. wiss. Insekt. Biol. 10: 307-08. Girault, A. A.
1914l. Descriptions of new
chalcid-flies. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash.
16: 109-19. Girault, A. A.
1914j. A new genus of
chalcidoid Hymenoptera of the family Cleonymidae from Australia. Ent. News 25: 396. Girault, A. A.
1914k. A new species of the
remarkable hymenopterous genus Smicromorpha
with correction of the generic description.
Ent. News 25: 461-62. Girault, A. A.
1915a. Australian Hymenoptera
Chalcidoidea-- IV. Supplement. Mem.
Qd. Mus. 3: 180-299. Girault, A. A.
1915b. Australian Hymenoptera
Chalcidoidea-- V. Supplement. Mem. Qd. Mus. 3: 300-12. Girault, A. A.
1915c. Australian Hymenoptear
Chalcidoidea-- VI. Supplement Mem.
Qd. Mus 3: 313-46. Girault, A. A.
1915d. Some chalcidoid
Hymenoptera from North Queensland (Cont'd.).
Canad. Ent. 47: 42-8. Girault, A. A.
1915e. Australian Hymenoptera
Chalcidoidea-- VII. The family
Encyrtidae with descriptions of new genera and species. mem. Qd. Mus. 4: 1-184. Girault, A. A.
1915f. Australian Hymenoptera
Chalcidoidea-- VIII. The family
Miscogasteridae with descriptions of new genera and species. mem. Qd. Mus. 4: 185-202. Girault, A. A.
1915g. Australian Hymenoptera
Chalcidoidea-- IX. The family
Cleonymidae with descriptions of new genera and species. Mem. Qd. Mus. 4: 203-24. Girault, A. A.
1915h. Australian Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea--
X. The family Eucharidae with
descriptions of new genera and species.
Mem. Qd. Mus. 4: 225-37. Girault, A. A.
1915i. Australian Hymenoptera
Chalcidoidea-- XI. The family
Eurytomidae with descriptions of new genera and species. Mem. Qd. Mus. 4: 238-74. Girault, A. A.
1915j. Australian Hymenoptera
Chalcidoidea-- XII. The family
Callimomidae with descriptions of new genera and species. Mem. Qd. Mus. 4: 275-309. Girault, A. A.
1915k. Australian Hymenoptera
Chalcidoidea-- XIII. The family
Agaonidae with descriptions of four new genera, six new species, and one new
variety. Mem. Qd. Mus. 4: 310-13. Girault, A. A.
1915l. Australian Hymenoptera
Chalcidoidea-- XIV. The family
Chalcididae with descriptions of new genera and species. Mem. Qd. Mus. 4: 314-65. Girault, A. A.
1915m. A new species of Pseudomphale from Chile. Canad. Ent. 47: 234-35. Girault, A. A.
1915n. Notes on some parasites
of sugar cane insects in Java with descriptions of new Hymenoptera
Chalcidoidea. Z. wiss. Insekt. Biol. 11: 273-75. Girault, A. A.
1916a. Two new Mymaridae from
the eastern United States (Hym.).
Ent. News 27: 69-70. Girault, A. A.
1916b. Description of eleven
new species of chalcid flies. Canad.
Ent. 48: 100-03. Girault, A. A.
1916c. A new genus of
Eulophidae from the United States (Hym.).
Ent. News 27: 152. Girault, A. A.
1916d. Description of eleven
enw species of chalcid flies (Cont'd.).
Canad. Ent. 48: 113-16. Girault, A. A.
1916e. New Encyrtidae from
North America. Psyche, Camb. 23: 41-50. Girault, A. A.
1916f. Descriptiones
Hymenopterorum Chalcidoidicorum variorum cum observationibus. III.-- Ent.
News 27: 223-28. Girault, A. A.
1916g. A new genus of Trichogrammatidae
from Australia characterised by bearing a postmarginal vein. Entomologist 49: 102-03. Girault, A. A.
1916h. Notes on described
chalcidoid Hymenoptera with new genera and species. Societas Ent. 31:
35-8. Girault, A. A. 1916i. Australian Hymenoptear Chalcidoidea.
General supplement. Mem. Qd. Mus.
5: 205-30. Girault, A. A.
1916j. Descriptions of and
observation on some chalcidoid Hymenoptera.
Canad. Ent. 48: 242-46. Girault, A. A.
1916k. A new genus of
pteromalid chalcidoid Hymenoptera from North America. Canad. Ent. 48: 246-48. Girault, A. A.
1916l. A new genus of lelapine
chalcid flies from the United States.
Canad. Ent. 48: 263-64. Girault, A. A.
1916m. Descriptions of and
observation on some chalcidoid Hymenoptera.-- II. Canad. Ent. 48: 337-44. Girault, A. A.
1916n. New Javanese chalcidoid
Hymenoptera. Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus.
51: 479-85. Girault, A. A.
1916o. A new genus of
omphaline eulophid chalcis-flies from Maryland. Canad. Ent. 48: 410. Girault, A. A.
1917a. Descriptions of
miscellaneous chalcid-flies. Insecutor Inscit. Menstr. 4: 109-21. Girault, A. A. 1917b. Speciosissima
genera nova Eulophidorum. Publ., Wash. 4 p. Girault, A. A.
1917c. New Javanese
Hymenoptera. Publ., Wash. p. 1-12. Girault, A. A.
1917d. Some new Australian
chalcid-flies, mostly of the family Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera). Insecutor Inscit. Menstr. 5: 29-37. Girault, A. A. 1917e. Descriptiones
stellarum novarum. Publ., U.S.A. p. 1-22.
[cited by Boucek 1988]. Girault, A. A.
1917f. Descriptiones
Hymenopterorum Chalcidoidicarum variorum cum obsrvationibus.-- III. Publ. Genndale, MD. p. 1-10. Girault, A. A.
1917g. Notes on some parasites
of sugar-cane insects in Java, with descriptions of new Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea. Entomologist 50: 134-36. Girault, A. A.
1917h. Descriptiones
Hymenopterorum Chalcidoidicarum variorum cum observationibus.--V. Publ. Glenndale, MD. p. 1-16. Girault, A. A.
1917i. New Australian
chalcid-flies (Hymenoptera, Chalcididae).
Insecutor Inscit. Menstr. 5:
133-55. Girault, A. A.
1918a. Three new Australian
chalcid flies. Redia 13: 1-3, 197-98. Girault, A. A. 1918b. Cameron's Australian chalcid-flies. Insecutor Inscit. Menstr. 6: 117-18. Girault, A. A.
1918c. Several new
chalcid-flies from Australia. Redia 14: 1-2. Girault, A. A. 1919a. New chalcid parasites from Malaya. J. Straits Brch R. Asiat. Soc. 80: 165-68. Girault, A. A.
1919b. Javanese
chalcid-flies. Treubia 1: 53-9. Girault, A. A. 1919c. Hymenoptera
Chalcidoidea nova Australiensis. Publ. Brisbane, Australia.
3 p. Girault, A. A.
1920a. New genera and species
of chalcid-flies from Australia (Hymenoptera). Insecutor Inscit. Menstr. 8:
37-50. Girault, A. A.
1920b. New genera and species
of Australian Mymaridae (Hymenoptera).
Insecutor Inscit. Menstr. 8:
96-100. Girault, A. A.
1920c. New genera of chalcid
flies from Australia (Hymenoptera).
Insecutor Inscit. Menstr. 8:
142-46. Girault, A. A.
1920d. Some insects never before
seen by mankind. Publ. Brisbane, Australia. 4 p. Girault, A. A. 1921a. New animals of Australia and old men of
the earth. Publ. Brisbane, Qld.,
Australia. 3 p. Girault, A. A.
1921b. Miscellaneous species
of chalcid-flies from Australia (Hymenoptera, Chalcididae). Insecutor Inscit. Menstr. 9:
185-91. Girault, A. A. 1922a. New chalcid-flies from eastern Australia
I. (Hymenoptera, Chalcididae).
Insecutor Inscit. Menstr. 10:
39-49. Girault, A. A.
1922b. New chalcid flies from
eastern Australia II. (Hymenoptera, Chalcididae). Insecutor Inscit. Menstr. 10:
100-08. Girault, A. A. 1922c. New Eupelminae from Australia
(Hymenoptera). Insecutor Inscit.
Menstr. 10: 108-10. Girault, A. A.
1922d. New chalcid flies from
Australia. Entomologist 55: 205-08. Girault, A. A.
1922e. The North American
species of Emersonella and Entedon with excuses, etc. Publ. Brisbane, Qld., Australia. 1 p. Girault, A. A.
1922f. New chalcid-flies from
eastern Australia III (Hymenoptera). Insecutor Inscit. Menstr. 10: 148-54. Girault, A. A. 1922g. New Australian Eusandalum. (Hymenoptera,
Encyrtidae). Insecutor Inscit. Menstr. 10:
155-56. Girault, A. A. 1923a. Remarkable chalcid-flies collected in
northern Australia by A. P. Dodd (Hymenoptera). Insecutor Inscit. Menstr. 11:
96-100. Girault, A. A.
1923b. Loves wooed and won in
Australia. Publ. Brisbane, Qld.,
Australia. 3 p. Girault, A. A.
1923c. Microscopitis,
womanitis and new Hexapoda. Publ.,
Sydney, Australia. 8 p. Girault, A. A.
1924a. Notes and descriptions
of Australian chalcid flies--I (Hymenoptera). Insecutor Inscit. Menstr. 12:
1-9. Girault, A. A.
1924b. Homo perniciosus and
new Hymenoptera. Publ. Brisbane,
Qld., Australia. 4 p. Girault, A. A.
1924c. Notes and descriptions
of Australian chalcid- flies--II (Hymenoptera). Insecutor Inscit. Menstr. 12:
172-76. Girault, A. A.
1924d. LFse majestG, new
Insecta and robbery. Gympie,
Australia. 1 p. [see Bou
ek 1988]. Girault, A. A.
1924e. New Insecta from
Queensland. Gympie, Australia. 1 p. [see Bou
ek 1988]. Girault, A. A.
1925a. Indications (in new
insects) of ruling power and law in nature.
Publ. Brisbane, Australia. 3
p. Girault, A. A.
1925b. Notes and descriptions of
Australian chalcid-flies-- III (Hymenoptera). Insecutor Inscit. Menstr. 13:
91-100. Girault, A. A.
1925c. An essay on when a fly
is lovable, the ceremony of baptizing some and unlovely hate. Publ. Brisbane, Australia. 4 p. Girault, A. A. 1925d. Some gem-like or marvellous inhabitants of
the woodlands heretogore unknown and by most never seen nor dreamt of. Publ. Brisbane, Australia. 3 p. Girault, A. A. 1925e. New Queensland Insecta captured without
any reference to use. Publ. Brisbane, Australia. 2 p. Girault, A. A. 1926a. Hymenoptera
minutae nova Australiensis. Publ. Brisbane, Australia.
1 p. Girault, A. A.
1926b. Characteristics of new
Australian insects (refused publication on pretext-- see Bou
ek, 1988). Publ. Brisbane, Australia. 2 p. Girault, A. A.
1926c. New pests from
Australia. Publ. Brisbane,
Australia. 1 p. Girault, A. A.
1926d. New pests from
Australia. II. Publ. Brisbane,
Australia. 3 p. Girault, A. A.
1926e. Notes and descriptions
of Australian chalcid-flies--IV (Hymenoptera). Insecutor Inscit. Menstr. 14:
58-73. Girault, A. A.
1926f. New pests from
Australia. III. Publ. Brisbane,
Australia. 2 p. Girault, A. A.
1926g. Notes and descriptions
of Australian chalcid-flies. V. Insecutor Inscit. Menstr. 14: 127-33. Girault, A. A. 1926h. A miscellany of new species of the lower
Hymenoptera from Australia, with notes.
Insecutor Inscit. Menstr. 14:
133-37. Girault, A. A.
1926i. New species of Chalcis from Australia
9Hymenoptera). Insecutor Inscit.
Menstr. 14: 139-40. Girault, A. A.
1926j. New pests from
Australia. IV. Publ. Brisbane,
Australia. 1 p. Girault, A. A.
1927a. Some new sild animals
from Queensland. Publ. Brisbane, Australia. 3 p. Girault, A. A. 1927b. New Australian animals so far overlooked
by outsiders. Publ. Brisbane,
Australia. 2 p. Girault, A. A.
1927c. Thysanoptera nova
Australiensis from Queensland. Publ.
Brisbane, Australia. Girault, A. A.
1927d. Four new chalcid flies
from the Philippines. Philipp. J.
Sci. 32: 553-55. Girault, A. A.
1927e. Notes on and
descriptions of chalcid wasps (Chalcididae) in the South Australian
Museum. Rec. S. Aust. Mus. 3: 309-38. Girault, A. A. 1927f. Thysanoptera
nova Australiensis, II. Publ. Brisbane, Australia.
2 p. Girault, A. A.
1927g. A discourse on wild
animals. Publ. Brisbane, Australia. 2 p. Girault, A. A. 1928a. A prodigeous discourse on wild
animals. Publ. Brisbane,
Australia. 3 p. Girault, A. A.
1928b. Some new hexapods
stolen from authority. Publ. Brisbane, Australia. 4 p. Girault, A. A. 1928c. Some Insecta and a new all highness (Notes
compiled in fear and sorrow). Publ.
Brisbane, Australia. 4 p. Girault, A. A.
1928d. Some new Philippine
chalcid flies. Philipp. J. Sci.
36: 449-53. Girault, A. A.
1928e. Notice of a curious
professor and of native wasps and wood lice.
Publ. Brisbane, Australia. 4 p. Girault, A. A. 1929a. North American Hymenoptera Mymaridae, p.
1-27. Addendum "New Insects
Mostly Australian.", p. 28-29.
Publ. Brisbane, Australia. Girault, A. A.
1929b. Description of a case
of lunacy in Homo and of new
six-legged articulates. Publ. Brisbane, Australia. 4 p. Girault, A. A. 1929c. New pests from Australia VI. Publ. Brisbane, Australia. 4 p. Girault, A. A.
1929d. Notes on, and
descriptions of, chalcid wasps in the South Australian Museum. Concluding paper. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Aust. 53: 309-46. Girault, A. A.
1930a. New pests from
Australia, VII. Publ. Brisbane,
Australia. 3 p. Girault, A. A.
1930b. New pests from
Australia, VIII. Publ. Brisbane,
Australia. 5 p. Girault, A. A.
1930c. New pests from
Australia, IX. Publ. Brisbane,
Australia. 2 p. Girault, A. A.
1931a. A new habit in an old
insect, Homo pudicus and new Eurytomidae. Publ. Brisbane, Australia. 4 p. Girault, A. A. 1931b. Hymenoptera,
Thysanoptera nova Australiensis. Publ. Brisbane, Australia.
2 p. Girault, A. A.
1932a. New pests from
Australia, X. Publ. Brisbane, Australia. 6 p. Girault, A. A. 1932b. Hymenoptera,
Thysanoptera nova Australiensis, II. Publ. Brisbane, Australia.
1 p. Girault, A. A.
1932c. New lower Hymenoptera
from Australia and India. Publ.
Brisbane, Australia. 6 p. Girault, A. A.
1933a. Some beauties inhabitant
not of commercial boudoirs but of nature's bosom, notably new insects. Publ. Brisbane, Australia. 5 p. Girault, A. A.
1933b. Some beauties
inhabitant not of the boudoirs of commerce but of nature's bosom-- new
insects. Publ. Brisbane, Australia. 2 p. Girault, A. A. 1934a. Eucharitidae,
Cynipidae, Proctotrupidae et Thysanoptera nova Australiensis. Publ. Brisbane, Australia. 2 p. Girault, A. A. 1934b. Miridae et
Hymenoptear nova Australiensis. Publ. Brisbane, Australia.
3 p. Girault, A. A.
1934c. New Capsidae and
Hymenoptera, with note on an unmentionalbe.
Publ. Sydney, Australia. p.
1-4. Girault, A. A. 1935. Microhymenoptera Australiensis nova,
mostly Chalcididae. Publ. Sydney,
Australia. p. 1-4. Girault, A. A.
1936a. Chalcididae, Capsidae
species nova Australiensis Giraulti.
Publ. Brisbane, Australia. 2 p. Girault, A. A. 1936b. Terror-errors; and novitates of Pterygota
(or earth realities not state-bound).
Publ. Sydney, Australia. p.
1-4. Girault, A. A. 1937. New naturals, unorthodoxies and
non-pollutions. viz.-- New hexapods.
Publ. Brisbane, Australia. 3 p. Girault, A. A. 1938a. Descriptions of a few new parasites of
pests, Australian mostly. Qld. Nat.
10: 74-7. Girault, A. A.
1938b. Some new Australian
insects which are parasites (Hym. Chalcidoidea). Revta. Ent., Rio de J. 8:
80-9. Girault, A. A.
1938c. A new pteromalid from
North Queensland. N. Qld. Nat. 6(55): 2. Girault, A. A.
1939a. Description of some
chalcid wasps. Qld. Nat. 11: 14-23. Girault, A. A.
1939b. A giant from New
Guinea. Verh. 7 Int. Kongr. Ent., Weimar 1: 147-50. Girault, A. A.
1939c. A new genus and species
of Australian Pteromalidae. N. Qld. Nat. 7(58): 2. Girault, A. A.
1939d. Five new generic names in
the Chalcidoidea (Australia). Ohio J.
Sci. 39: 324-26. Girault, A. A.
1940a. New genera and species
of Australian Elasmidae and Eucharitidae.
Soc. Ent. Argent. 10: 321-26. Girault, A. A.
1940b. Three new Chalcidoidea
from Australia. Qld. Nat. 11: 103-09. Girault, A. A. 1942. Personalia. Revta. Ent., Rio de J. 13: 439-43. Girault, A. A. & G. E. Sanders. 1910. The chalcidoid
parasites of the common house or typhoid fly (Musca domestica
Linn.) and its allies. III. DEscription of a new North American genus and
species of the family Pteromalidae from Illinois, parasitic on Musca domestica Linn., with biological notes. Psyche 17:
145-60. Given, B. B. 1959. Biological control factors influencing
populations of oak leaf-miner, Lithocolletis
messaniella Zeller in New
Zealand including the introduction of parasites. N.Z. J. Agr. Res. 2(1): 124-33. Gordh, G. 1975. The comparative morphology and systematics
of the Neotropical parasitic fig wasp genus Idarnes (Hymenoptera: Torymidae). Kans. Univ. Sci. Bull. 50: 389-455. Gordh, G. 1977. A new species of North American Scotolinx with taxonomic notes
on the genus. Pan-Pac. Ent. 53: 205-10. Gordh, G. 1978. Taxonomic notes on Zagrammosoma, a key to the Nearctic species and descriptions
of new species from California. Proc.
Ent. Soc. Wash. 80: 344-59. Gordh, G. 1979. Chalcidoidea, p. 743-48; Family
Encyrtidae, p. 890-967. In: K. V. Krombein, P. D. Hurd, Jr., D. R. Smith, & B. D. Burks
(eds.), Catalog of Hymenoptra in America North of Mexico. Vol. I. Symphyta
and Apocrita (Parasitica).
Smithsonian Inst. Press, Wash., D.C.
1198 p. Gordh, G. & D. M. Dunbar. 1977. A new Anagrus
important in the biological control of Stephanitis
takeyanai and a key to the North
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1979. A critical point drier
used as a method of mounting insects from alcohol. Ent. News 90: 57-9. Gordh, G. & R. Hendrickson.
1979. New species of Diglyphus, a world list of the
species, taxonomic notes and a key to New World species of Diglyphus and Diaulinopsis. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 81:
666-84. Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J.
C. Hall. 1979. The privately
printed papers of A. A. Girault. Mem.
Amer. Ent. Inst. 28: 1-400. Gourlay, E. S. 1928. Notes and descriptions of New Zealand
Hymenoptera. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst.
59: 368-73. Gourlay, E. S.
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339-43. Gourlay, E. S.
1930b. Preliminary host-list
of the entomophagous insects in New Zealand.
Bull. N.Z. Dept. Scient. Ind. Res. 22: 1-13. Gourlay, E. S. 1964. Notes on New Zealand insects and records
of introduced species. New Zeal. Ent.
3: 45-51. Gradwell, G. R.
1957. A new Tetrastichine
(Hym., Eulophiae) genus with three included species. Ent. Mon. Mag. 93: 1-5. Gradwell, G. R.
1959. The selection of a
neotype for Melittobia hawaiiensis Perkins and
re-erection of the genus Aceratoneuromyia
Girault (Hym., Eulophidae). Ent. Mon.
Mag. 94: 277-78. Graham, L. F. 1932. Descriptions of two new species of the
genus Spalangia Latreille
(Pteromalidae) from Northern Australia and the Sunda Islands. Commonw. Aust. C.S.I.R. Pamph. 31: 21-24. (Appendix to handschin, 1932). Graham, M. W. R. de V. 1956a. A new genus and species of Pteromalidae
(Hym., Chalcidoidea). Ent. Mon. Mag. 92: 406-08. Graham, M. W. R. de V. 1956b. A revision of the Walker types of
Pteromalidae (Hym., Chalcidoidea).
Part 1 (including descriptions of new genera and species). Ent. Mon. Mag. 92: 76-98. Graham, M. W. R. de V. 1956c. A revision of the Walker types of
Pteromalidae (Hym., Chalcidoidea). Part 2 (including descriptions of new
genera and species). Ent. Mon. Mag. 92: 246-63. Graham, M. W. R. de V. 1957a. A new European genus of Pteromalidae
(Hym., Chalcidoidea). Ent. Mon. Mag. 93: 180-82. Graham, M. W. R. de V. 1957b. A revision of the Walker types of
Pteromalidae (Hym., Chalcidoidea). Part 3 (including descriptions of new
species). Ent. Mon. Mag. 93: 217-36. Graham, M. W. R. de V. 1957c. A new genus and species of Ptromalidae
(Hym., Chalcidoidea). Ent. Mon. Mag. 93: 406-08. Graham, M. W. R. de V. 1957d. Two new genera of Pteromalidae (Hym.,
Chalcidoidea) based upon material in the collection of C. G. Thomson. Opusc. Ent. 22: 137-42. Graham, M. W. R. de V.
1959a. Keys to the British
genera and species of Elachertinae, Eulophinae, Entedontinae, and Euderinae
(Hym., Chalcidoidea). Trans. Soc. Br.
Ent. 13: 169-204. Graham, M. W. R. de V.
1959b. Rediscovery of Macromesus amphiretus Walker (Hym., Chalcidoidea, Ptromalidae) in
Britain, with a discussion of its systematic position. Ent. Mon. Mag. 95: 73-8. Graham, M. W. R. de V. 1961a. The genus Aprostocetus Westwood, sensu
lato (Hym., Eulophidae);
notes on the synonymy of European species.
Mon. Mag. 97: 34-64. Graham, M. W. R. de V. 1961b. New species of Aprostocetus Westwood (Hym., Eulophidae) from Britain and
Sweden. Opusc. Ent. 26: 4-37. Graham, M. W. R. de V.
1963. Additions and
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1969. The Pteromalidae of
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908 p. Graham, M. W. R. de V. 1970. Taxonomic notes on some western
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1971. Revision of British Entedon (Hymenoptera:
Chalcidoidea), with descriptions of four new species. Trans. Roy. Ent. Soc. Lond. 123: 313-58. Graham, M. W. R. de V.
1975. Relationships and
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Crawford (Hymenoptera Eulophidae). J.
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importanza biologica. (16 p. contributo alla conoscenza degli insetti del
fichi). Boll. Lab. Zool. gen. agr. R.
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Philipp. J. Sci. 33: 309-29. Grandi, G. 1928a. Due especie di Blastophaga delle Isole Figi ed
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1: 107-203. Grandi, G. 1930. Monografia de
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Smith, & B. D. Burks (eds.), Catalog of Hymenoptra in America North of
Mexico. Vol. I. Symphyta and Apocrita (Parasitica). Smithsonian Inst. Press, Wash., D.C. 1198 p. Grissell, E. E. 1981. The identity of Nearctic Cerocephala Westwood. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 83:
620-24. Grissell, E. E. 1985. Some nomenclatural changes in the
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