Relevant References

This list of 300+ references covers areas of audiovisual speech perception, face perception, audiovisual integration and auditory speech perception. It is not meant to be comprehensive, but all of the research discussed on this website is cited. (Last updated 4/23/01)

Ades, A.E., (1977).  Vowels, consonants, speech and non-speech. Psychological Review, 84, 524-530.

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Baynes, K., Funnell, M.G., & Fowler, C.A. (1994). Hemispheric contributions to the integration of visual and auditory information in speech perception. Perception & Psychophysics, 55(6), 633-641.

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Bernstein, L.E.; Auer, E. T. Jr.; Tucker, P. E.(2001). Enhanced speechreading in deaf adults: Can short-term training/practice close the gap for hearing adults? Journal of Speech, Language, & Hearing Research. 44 (1):5-18.

Bernstein, L. E.; Demorest, M. E.; Tucker, P. E. (2000) Speech perception without hearing. Perception & Psychophysics.62 (2): 233-252.

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Bertelson, P. & Radeau, M. (1981). Cross-modal bias and perceptual fusion with auditory-visual spatial discordance. Perception & Psychophysics, 29, 578-584.

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Bingham, G.P. (1987).  Scaling and kinematic form:  Further investigations on the visual perception of lifted weight.  Journal of Experimental Psychology:  Human Perception and Performance, 13(2), 155-177.

Bingham, G.P., Rosenblum, L.D., & Schmidt, R.C. (1995).  Dynamics and the orientation of kinematic forms in visual event recognition.  Journal of Experimental Psychology:  Human Perception and Performance. 21, 1473-1493.

Bladon, R.A.W. & Al-Bamerni, A. (1976). Coarticulation resistance in English /l/. Journal of Phonetics, 4, 137-150.

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Bradlow, A.R., Nygaard, L.C., & Pisoni, D.B. (1999). Effects of talker, rate, and amplitude variation on recognition memory for spoken words. Perception & Psychophysics, 61, 206-219.

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