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Immature Stages of Mutillidae


Detailed information on immature stages of Mutillidae is being acquired.  However, Clausen (1940) noted that very little information was available regarding the form or habits of immature stages of this family.  The egg of Mutilla sp (Williams 1919b) has been described as elongated and curved, with the chorion minutely granulated.  It is placed transversely upon the dorsum of a Tiphia larva, between the 1st and 2nd thoracic segments.  The point of larval feeding is ventral.  Ferton stated that the egg of Stenomutilla argentata var. saundersivora Fer. is attached to the inner wall of the host cocoon.  The early larval instars by 1940 had not been described for any species.  The mature larva of M. glossinae has 11 pairs of spiracles, located on the 2nd and 3rd thoracic and the first 9 abdominal segments.  The mandibles are 4-dentate, while those of M. lunata and M. attenuata are believed to be tridentate.  The mature larvae of all species spin a cocoon within the cell, cocoon, or puparium of the host, although in some cases it is imperfect.


  References:   Please refer to  <biology.ref.htm>


[Additional references may be found at:  MELVYL Library]