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                       LIST OF PLATES         


       Including Some Bacteria and Slime Molds




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General Fungi


Bacteria:  Schizomycophyta

Slime Molds:  Amoebozoa

True Fungi:  Eumycophyta




Deuteromycota (Fungi Imperfecti)



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[NOTE: Drawings noted as "Constructed" were by Mrs. Sun Huang Sung]




Plate 1 = Fungal Vegetative Body-1

Plate 2 = Fungal Vegetative Body-2

Plate 3 = Examples of Fungus Spores

Plate 51 = Successive growth stages of hypha:  Gelasinospora autosteira.

Plate 52 = Somatic hyphae.

Plate 53 = Three types of haustoria.

Plate 54 = Two stages in spore germination.

Plate 55 = Fungal tissues: Parenchyma & Pseudoparenchyma.

Plate 56 = Stroma & sclerotium:  Daldinia sp. & Claviceps purpurea

Plate 57 = Asexual reproduction: Fragmenting hypha:  Collybia conigena & Fusarium sp.

Plate 58 = Asexual reproduction:  Budding

Plate 58b = Various types of fungal spores.

Plate 59 = Sexual reproduction:  Planogametic copulation: Catenaria sp., Allomyces arbuscula & Monoblepharella taylori.

Plate 60 = Sexual reproduction:  Plasmogamy thru' gametangial contact in Pythium aphanidermatum.

Plate 61 = Sexual reproduction:  Plasmogamy thru' gametangial copulation in Sporodinia garndis.

Plate 62 = Sexual reproduction:  Plasmogamy by spermatization in Pleurage anserina.

Plate 63 = Sexual reproduction:  Plasmogamy thru' somatogamy in Peniophora sambuci.


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BACTERIA:  Schizomycophyta


Plate 4 = Flagella Arrangement -- Eubacteriales

Plate 5 = Life Cycles – Actinomycetales

Plate 64 = Bacterial cell arrangements:  Micrococcus, Diplococcus, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Sarcina, Microbacillus,

     Diplobacillus, Streptobacillus, Microspirillum & Diplospirillum.

Plate 65 = Capsulated cells of bacteria.

Plate 66 = Flagella arrangements:  Monotrichous, Lophotrichous, Amphitrichous & Peritrichous.

Plate 67 = Life Cycle -- Streptomyces sp.


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SLIME MOLDS:  Amoebozoa


Plate 6 = Cultures on Agar -- Actinomycetales

Plate 7 = Life Cycle -- Physarum polycephalum

Plate 8 = Fruiting State -- Myxomycetae, Endosporae

Plate 9 = Example Structures -- Amoebozoa: Myxogastria, Endosporeae 1

Plate 10 = Example Structures -- Amoebozoa:  Myxogastria, Endosporeae 2 

Plate 11 = Example Structures -- Amoebozoa:  Myxogastria, Exosporeae  and Amoebozoa:  Acrasieae 

Plate 12 = Life Cycle -- Plasmodiophora brassicae

Plate 13 = Life Cycle -- Spongospora subterranea

Plate 14 = Example Structures -- Amoebozoa: Plasmodiophoreae

Plate 68 = Life Cycle -- Physarum polycephalum

Plate 69 = Four types of resting spores:  Smooth, Spiny, Reticulate, Warty.

Plate 70 = Sporangia types in Myxogastres, Stemonitis, Dictydium, Physarum & Arcyria.

Plate 71 = Three types of capillitium in Myxogastres

Plate 72 = Life Cycle -- Plasmodiophora brassicae.

Plate 73 = Life Cycle -- Spongospora subterranea.


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TRUE FUNGI (Eumycophyta)


Zygomycota:  Monoflagellatae:  Chytridiales


Plate 15 = Life Cycle -- Olpidium viciae

Plate 16 = Life Cycle -- Synchytrium decipiens #1

Plate 19 = Life Cycle -- Synchytrium decipiens #2

Plate 17 = Life Cycle -- Synchytrium endobioticum

Plate 18 = Life Cycle -- Synchytrium endobioticum #2

Plate 20 = Life Cycle    Podochytrium cornutum

Plate 21 = Life Cycle -- Chytridiales:  Endophlyctis

Plate 22 = Life Cycle -- Chytridiales:  Rhizophidium couchii

Plate 78 = Life Cycle2 -- Rhizophidium couchii.

Plate 23 = Life Cycle -- Chytridiales:  Urophlyctis alfalfae

Plate 24 = Example Structures -- Chytridiales:  Sexual Reproduction

Plate 25 = Example Structures -- Chytridiales:  Synchytrium spp.

Plate 26 = Example Structures -- Chytridiales:  Physoderma, Podochytrium, Urophlyctis.

Plate 74 = Thallus of Chytriomyces aureus.

Plate 75 = Flagella of Zygomycota:  Whip lash, Tinsel and combination.

Plate 76 = Life Cycle -- Olpidium viciae.

Plate 77 = Life Cycle -- Synchytrium endobioticum.


Zygomycota:  Monoflagellatae:  Blastocladiales


Plate 27 = Life Cycle – Blastocladiales:   Allomyces arbusculus

Plate 28 = Life Cycle -- Blastocladiales:  Blastocladia

Plate 79 = Life Cycle -- Allomyces javanicus var. macrogynus.


Zygomycota:  Monoflagellatae:  Monoblepharidales


Plate 29 = Life Cycle -- Monoblephariales:  Monoblepharis

Plate 80 = Life Cycle -- Monoblepharis polymorpha.


Zygomycota:  Biflagellatae:  Lagenidiales


Plate 30 = Life Cycle -- Lagenidiales:  Olpidiopsis vexans

Plate 31 = Life Cycle – Lagenidiales: Myzocytium proliferum

Plate 32 = Example Structures -- Lagenidiales:  Lagenidium callinectes

Plate 33 = Life Cycle – Lagenidiales: Lagenidium spp.

Plate 34 = Life Cycle – Saprolegniales: Saprolegnia sp-1

Plate 81 = Life Cycle -- Lagenidium rabenhorstii.


Zygomycota:  Biflagellatae:  Saprolegniales


Plate 35 = Example Structures – Saprolegniales:  Saprolegnia sp2. 

Plate 36  = Genera of Saprolegniaceae: Saprolegnia, Isoachlya, Achlya, Aphanomyces, Aplanes, Thaustotheca, Dictyuchus

Plate 82 = Mature sporangium of Saprolegnia sp.

Plate 83 = Dictyuchus sp.:  Sporangium & zoospores.

Plate 84 = Gemmae of Saprolegnia spp.

Plate 85 = Saprolegnia litoralis:  Terminal oogonium & Intercalary oogonium.

Plate 86 = Life Cycle -- Saprolegnia sp.


Zygomycota:  Biflagellatae:  Leptomitales


Plate 87 = Leptomitales:  Apodachlya pyrifera & Rhipidium americanum.


Zygomycota:  Biflagellatae:  Peronosporales


Plate 37 = Life Cycle – Biflagellatae: Peronosporales: Pythiaceae:  Pythium debaryanum

Plate 38 = Life Cycle – Biflagellatae: Peronosporales: Pythiaceae:  Phytophthora infestans

Plate 39 = Life Cycle – Biflagellatae: Peronosporales: Albuginaceae:  Albugo  candida

Plate 40 = Life Cycle – Biflagellatae: Peronosporales: Peronosporaceae:  Plasmopara viticola

Plate 41 = Example Structures – Biflagellatae: Peronosporales: Pythiaceae:  Phytophthora infestans

Plate 42 = Example Structures – Biflagellatae: Peronosporales: Albuginaceae:  Albugo spp.

Plate 43 = Example Structures – Biflagellatae: Peronosporales: Peronosporaceae:  Plasmophora, Bremia & Basidiophora.

Plate 88 = Peronosporaceae haustoria:  Peronospora ficariae, Plasmopara pygmaea & Peronospora parasitica.

Plate 89 = Life Cycle -- Pythium debaryanum.

Plate 90 = Life Cycle -- Phytophthora infestans.

Plate 91 = Sporangiophors in 5 genera of Peronosporaceae.

Plate 92 = Life Cycle -- Plasmopara viticola.

Plate 93 = Life Cycle -- Albugo candida.

Plate 94 = Oospores of 6 species of Albugo.


Zygomycota:  Aflagellatae:  Mucorales


Plate 44 = Life Cycle – Aflagellatae: Mucorales: Rhizopus nigricans

Plate 45 = Example Structures – Aflagellatae: Mucorales:  Absidia, Circinella,  Cunninghamella, Mucor, Philobolus,

     Phycomyces, Rhizopus,  Syncephalis, Syzygites, Thamnidium

Plate 46 = Aflagellateae: Mucorales:  Distinction of Genera in The Mucorales:  Absidia, Circinella, Cunninghamella, Mucor,

     Philobolus, Phycomyces, Rhizopus, Syncephalis, Sygygites, Thamnidium

Plate 95 = Stages of evolution of sporangium to a conidium.

Plate 96 = Life Cycle -- Rhizopus nigricans.

Plate 97 = Zygospores of Mucorales.

Plate 98 = Zygophore & Sporangiophore formation:  Sporodinia grandis.

Plate 99 = Sporangial apparatus:  Philobolus longipes.


Zygomycota:  Aflagellatae:  Entomophthorales


Plate 47 = Life Cycle – Aflagellatae:  Entomophthorales: Basidiobolus sp.

Plate 48 = Life Cycle – Aflagellatae: Entomophthorales: Entomophthora sp.

Plate 49 = Example Structures: Aflagellatae, Entomophthorales:  Basidiobolus,  Entomophthora, Massospora

Plate 100 = Structures of Entomophthora muscae.

Plate 101 = Structures of Entomophthora sepulchralis.


Zygomycota:  Aflagellatae:  Zoopagales


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Plate 102 = Conidiophore types:  Phyllosticta, Dendrophoma, Monopodium, Verticillium, Aspergillus, Penicillium & Isariopsis.

Plate 103 = Asexual fruiting bodies:  Septoria, Marssonia, Epicoccum & Arthrobotryum.

Plate 104 = Sexual reproduction & ascus development in Ascomycota:  Pyronema omphalodes.

Plate 105 = Types of asci:  Globose, Ovate, Septate, Clavate, Cylindrical.

Plate 106 = Variety of ascospores (20 types).

Plate 107 = Four ways that Ascomycota bear asci.

Plate 108 = A section thru' the stroma revealing embedded ascocarps.

Plate 109 = Several types of openings (pores) in asci.

Plate 110 = Four stages in ascospore germination:  Gelasinospora autosteira


Ascomycota:  Hemiascomycetes:  Endomycetales


Plate 50 = Ascomycota: Hemiascomycetes, Ascoidaceae: Dipodascus sp.

Plate 111 = Life Cycle -- Dipodascus uninucleatus.

Plate 112 = Life Cycle -- Eremascus fertilis.

Plate 113 = A yeast cell showing various structures.

Plate 114 = Chain of yeast cells (pseudomycelium) produced by budding.

Plate 115 = Five types of yeast ascospores.

Plate 116 = Life Cycles -- Schizosaccharomyces octosporus, Saccharomycodes ludwigii, Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Plate 185 = Life Cycle -- Endomycetaceae:  Endomyces sp. & Endomycopsis sp.

Plate 186 = Life Cycle -- Endomycetaceae:  Schizosaccharomyces octosporus

Plate 187 = Life Cycle -- Endomycetaceae:  Saccharomyces cerevisiae; & Structures of Hanseniaspora sp. & Pichia sp.

Plate 189 = Example Structures:  Endomycetales:  Endomyces sp., Schizosaccharomyces octosporus & Endomycopsis sp.

Plate 190 = Example Structures:  Endomycetales:  Saccharomyces sp. & Ashbya gossypii.


Ascomycota:  Hemiascomycetes:  Taphrinales


Plate 117 = Life Cycle-1 -- Taphrina deformans.

Plate 188 = Life Cycle-2 -- Taphrinaceae:  Taphrina deformans "Peach Leaf Curl."

Plate 191 = Plant Host Symptoms -- Taphrinales:  Taphrina spp.

Plate 192 = Example Structures:  Ascomycota:  Taphrinales


Ascomycota:  Euascomycetes:  Plectascales


Plate 118 = Conidiophores & hypha of Aspergillus.

Plate 119 = Cleistothecia cross-sections:  Aspergillus sp.

Plate 120 = Conidiophores:  Penicillium thomii, P. lanoso-coeruleum & P. wortmanni.

Plate 121 = Life Cycle -- Penicillium vermiculatum.

Plate 193 = Life Cycle -- Plectascales: Gymnoascaceae:  Byssochlamys sp.

Plate 194 = Life Cycle -- Plectascales:  Aspergillaceae:  Penicillium vermiculatum

Plate 195 = Life Cycle -- Plectascales:  Aspergillaceae:  Aspergillus sp.


Ascomycota:  Euascomycetes:  Myriangiales


Plate 122 = Life Cycle -- Elsinoe veneta.

Plate 123 = Structures of Myriangium bambusae.

Plate 196 = Life Cycle -- Myriangiales:  Elsinoe sp.

Plate 197 = Plectascales & Myriangiales Example Structures:  Aspergillus amstelodami, Penicillium

     Byssochlamys nivea, carpenteles, P. frequentans, Thielavia basicola.

Plate 198 = Plectascales & Myriangiales Example Structures:  Aspergillus fumigatus, Byssochlamys nivea, Elaphomyces sp.,

     Elsinoe wisconsinensis, Monascus sp., Myriangium sp.


Ascomycota:  Euascomycetes:  Erysiphales


Plate 124 = Erysiphaceae:  Host cells & mycelia relationships.

Plate 125 = Life Cycle -- Sphaerotheca castagnei.

Plate 126 = Erysiphaceae:  Taxonomic characteristics.

Plate 199 = Life Cycle -- Erysiphales: Erysiphaceae:  Spaerotheca sp.

Plate 200 = Key to The Common Genera of Erysiphaceae

Plate 201 = Example Structures & Plant Host Symptoms: Plectomycetes: Erysiphales


Ascomycota:  Euascomycetes:  Hypocreales


Plate 135 = Life Cycle -- Nectria cinnabarina.

Plate 136 = Life Cycle -- Claviceps purpurea.

Plate 137 = Structures of Claviceps purpurea.

Plate 202 = Life Cycle -- Pyrenomycetes: Hypocreales:  Nectria sinnabarina

Plate 203 = Life Cycle -- Pyrenomycetes: Hypocreales:  Claviceps purpurea

Plate 204 = Diagnostic Characters:  Pyrenomycetes: Hypocreales:  Claviceps, Cordyceps, Epichloe, Gibberella, Hypomyces

     Nectria, Neocosmospora

Plate 207 = Example Structures -- Pyrenomycetes: Hypocreales:  Hypomyces, Nectria, Neocosmospora

Plate 208 = Example Structures -- Pyrenomycetes: Hypocreales:  Claviceps purpurea, Gibberella zeae, Cordyceps agariciformis,

     C. ophloglossoides & Epichloe typhina


Ascomycota:  Euascomycetes:  Sphaeriales


Plate 128 = Sphaeriales:  Ascocarp diagram.

Plate 129 = Chaetomium sp.:  Ascospore maturation.

Plate 130 = Life Cycle -- Neurospora sitophila.

Plate 131 = Structures of Ophiostoma fimbriatum.

Plate 132 = Structures of Gnomonia ulmea:  Perithecium & Ascus.

Plate 133 = Structures of Gnomonia fragariae.

Plate 134 = Structures of Phyllachora graminis:  Stroma & perithecia.

Plate 205 = Life Cycle --  Pyrenomycetes: Sphaeriales:  Neurospora sitophila

Plate 206 = Diagnostic Characters:  Pyrenomycetes: Sphaeriales: Ceratocystis, Chaetomium, Daldinia, Neurospora, Phyllachora,

     Ustulina, Xylaria

Plate 209 = Diagnostic Characters -- Pyrenomycetes:  Sphaeriales:  Chaetomium chamalodes & Neurospora tetrasperma

Plate 210 = Example Structures -- Pyrenomycetes:  Sphaeriales:  Ceratocystis sp., Ceratocystis ulmi, Daldinia sp.,

     Endothia parasitica, Hypoxylon sp., Neurospora tetrasperma, Phyllachora sp., Ustulina sp., Xylaria cornu-damae, Xylaria spp.


Ascomycota:  Euascomycetes:  Dothideales


Plate 138 = Dothideaceous stroma:  Typical structure.

Plate 213 = Example Structures -- Pyrenomycetes:  Dothidiales, Hemisphaeriales, Laboulbeniales, Hysteriales


Ascomycota:  Euascomycetes:  Pseudosphaeriales


Plate 139 = Life Cycle -- Mycosphaerella tulipiferae.

Plate 140 = Structures of Guignardia bidwellii.

Plate 141 = Life Cycle -- Venturia inaequalis.

Plate 211 = Life Cycle -- Pyrenomycetes: Pseudosphaeriales:  Venturia inaequalis

Plate 212 = Example Structures -- Pyrenomycetes: Pseudosphaeriales:  Dibotryon, Pyrenophora, Pleospora, Venturia

Plate 214 = Example Structures #2:  Pyrenomycetes:  Pseudosphaeriales, Dothideales, Hemisphaeriales, Laboulbeniales, Hysteriales.

Plate 215 = Example Structures #3:  Pyrenomycetes:  Pseudosphaeriales, Dothideales, Hemisphaeriales, Laboulbeniales, Hysteriales.


Ascomycota:  Euascomycetes:  Hemisphaeriales


Plate 142 = Structures of Hemisphaeriales:  Microthyrium microscopieum.

Plate 213 = Example Structures -- Pyrenomycetes:  Dothidiales, Hemisphaeriales, Laboulbeniales, Hysteriales

Plate 214 = Example Structures #2:  Pyrenomycetes:  Pseudosphaeriales, Dothideales, Hemisphaeriales, Laboulbeniales, Hysteriales.

Plate 215 = Example Structures #3:  Pyrenomycetes:  Pseudosphaeriales, Dothideales, Hemisphaeriales, Laboulbeniales, Hysteriales.


Ascomycota:  Euascomycetes:  Laboulbeniales


Plate 127 = Structures of Laboulbenia formicarum.

Plate 213 = Example Structures -- Pyrenomycetes:  Dothidiales, Hemisphaeriales, Laboulbeniales, Hysteriales

Plate 214 = Example Structures #2:  Pyrenomycetes:  Pseudosphaeriales, Dothideales, Hemisphaeriales, Laboulbeniales, Hysteriales.

Plate 215 = Example Structures #3:  Pyrenomycetes:  Pseudosphaeriales, Dothideales, Hemisphaeriales, Laboulbeniales, Hysteriales.


Ascomycota:  Euascomycetes:  Hysteriales


Plate 143 = Ascocarp & ascus of Hysteriales:  Glonium sp.

Plate 213 = Example Structures -- Pyrenomycetes:  Dothidiales, Hemisphaeriales, Laboulbeniales, Hysteriales

Plate 214 = Example Structures #2:  Pyrenomycetes:  Pseudosphaeriales, Dothideales, Hemisphaeriales, Laboulbeniales, Hysteriales.

Plate 215 = Example Structures #3:  Pyrenomycetes:  Pseudosphaeriales, Dothideales, Hemisphaeriales, Laboulbeniales, Hysteriales.


Ascomycota:  Euascomycetes:  Helotiales


Plate 144 = Section thru' Apothecium diagram.

Plate 145 = Life Cycle -- Rhytisma acerinum.

Plate 146 = Life Cycle -- Monilinia fructicola.

Plate 147 = Geoglossaceae structures:  Geoglossum ophioglassoides, Spathularia clavata, Leotia gelatinosa & Cudonia circinans.

Plate 216 = Life Cycle -- Discomycetes: Inoperculatae: Helotiales: Hypodermataceae:  Rhytisma acerinum

Plate 217 = Diagnostic Characters -- Discomycetes: Inoperculatae: Helotiales: Geoglossaceae, Helotiaceae, Hypodermataceae,

     Mollisiaceae, Sclerotineaceae

Plate 218 = Example Structures -- Discomycetes: Inoperculatae: Helotiales:  Hypodermataceae

Plate 219 = Example Structures -- Discomycetes: Inoperculatae: Helotiales:  Helotiaceae, Mollisiaceae

Plate 220 = Example Structures -- Discomycetes: Inoperculatae: Helotiales:  Helotiaceae, Sclerotineaceae, Geoglossaceae


Ascomycota:  Euascomycetes:  Lecanorales


Plate 221 = Example Structures -- Discomycetes: Inoperculatae: Lecanorales


Ascomycota:  Euascomycetes:  Pezizales


Plate 148 = Ascocarp & ascus:  Elvella crispa.

Plate 222 = Example Structures -- Discomycetes: Operculatae: Pezizales & Tuberales


Ascomycota:  Euascomycetes:  Tuberales


Plate 149 = Tuberales ascocarps:  Tuber aestivum, T. rufum & Genea harknessis.

Plate 222 = Example Structures -- Discomycetes: Operculatae: Pezizales & Tuberales


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Plate 160 = Basidiomycota:  Hymenium.

Plate 161 = Basidium developmental stages.


Basidiomycota:  Heterobasidiomycetes:  Uredinales


Plate 168 = Basidiospores:  Uredinella coecidiophaga.

Plate 169 = Rust spermogonia (2 types).

Plate 171 = Uredia:  Two types.

Plate 172 = Teleutospores:  Uromyces, Pileolaria, Puccinia, Uropyxis, Xenodochus, Phragnidium, Nyssopsora, Ravenelia.

Plate 173 = Life Cycle -- Puccinia graminis.

Plate 174 = Telium of Cronartium ribicola.

Plate 224 = Diagnostic Characters-1 -- Uredinales:  Pucciniaceae

Plate 225 = Diagnostic Characters-1 -- Uredinales:  Melampsoraceae

Plate 226 = Diagnostic Characters-2-- Uredinales:  Pucciniaceae

Plate 227 = Diagnostic Characters-3-- Uredinales:  Pucciniaceae

Plate 228 = Diagnostic Characters-2-- Uredinales:  Melampsoraceae


Basidiomycota:  Heterobasidiomycetes:  Uredinales Imperfecti


Plate 170 = Aecia types:  Caeoma, Aecidium, Roestelia & Peridermium.

Plate 177 = Life Cycle -- Tilletia caries.


Basidiomycota:  Heterobasidiomycetes:  Ustilaginales


Plate 175 = Teleutospores:  Ustilago levis, U. maydis, Tilletia caries, Urocystis cepulae, Tuburcinia trientalis,

     Thecaphora seminis-convolvuli & Schroeteria delastrina.

Plate 176 = Life Cycle -- Ustilago maydis.

Plate 229 = Diagnostic Characters:  Ustilaginales:  Ustilaginaceae

Plate 230 = Diagnostic Characters:  Ustilaginales:  Tilletiaceae


Basidiomycota:  Heterobasidiomycetes:  Auriculariales


Plate 166 = Life Cycle -- Auricularia auricula.

Plate 167 = Structures of Septobasidium fumigatum.

Plate 231 = Example Structures -- Auriculariales, Tremellales, Dacryomycetales


Basidiomycota:  Heterobasidiomycetes:  Tremellales


Plate 165 = Life Cycle -- Exidia spiculosa.

Plate 231 = Example Structures -- Auriculariales, Tremellales, Dacryomycetales


Basidiomycota:  Heterobasidiomycetes:  Dacrymycetales


Plate 162 = Basidiospore formation:  Calocera cornea.

Plate 164 = Life Cycle -- Dacrymyces deliquescens.

Plate 231 = Example Structures -- Auriculariales, Tremellales, Dacryomycetales


Basidiomycota:  Homobasidiomycetes:  Agaricales


Plate 163 = Oidiophore: Coprinus lagopus.

Plate 179 = Hymenium of a polypore.

Plate 178 = Structures of Exobasidium vaccinii.

Plate 180 = Agaricaceae (Agaricus spp.) Basidiocarp.

Plate 181 = Agaricaceae (Amanita spp.) Basidiocarp

Plate 182 = Trama:  With & without sphaerocysts.

Plate 232 = Key to Genera Of The Agaricaceae

Plate 233 = Example Structures:  Agaricales:  Polyporaceae & Boletaceae

Plate 234 = Example Structures:  Agaricales:  Hydnaceae & Clavariaceae

Plate 235 = Example Structures:  Agaricales:  Thelephoraceae & Exobasidiaceae

Plate 236 = Example Structures:  Agaricales:  Agaricaceae


Basidiomycota:  Homobasidiomycetes:  Hymenogastrales


Basidiomycota:  Homobasidiomycetes:  Lycoperdales


Plate 237 = Example Structures:  Gasteromycetes:  Lycoperdales


Basidiomycota:  Homobasidiomycetes:  Sclerodermatales


Plate 238 = Example Structures:  Gasteromycetes:  Nidulariales & Sclerodermatales


Basidiomycota:  Homobasidiomycetes:  Phallales


Plate 239 = Example Structures:  Gasteromycetes:  Phallales


Basidiomycota:  Homobasidiomycetes:  Nidulariales


Plate 238 = Example Structures:  Gasteromycetes:  Nidulariales & Sclerodermatales

Plate 183 = Structure of fruiting body:  Cyathus striatus.

Plate 184 = Splashing of peridiole:  Cyathus striatus.


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Deuteromycota (Fungi Imperfecti):  Sphaeropsidales


Plate 150 = Pycnidia types:  Zythis fragariae, Dendrophoma abscurans, Chaetomella atra, Diplodia zeae, Fusicoccum viticolum

     & Endothia parasitica.

Plate 151 = Pycnidial development:  Phoma herbarum, P. pirina & Zythia fragariae.

Plate 153 = Sphaeropsidales:  Pycnidiospore types.

Plate 240 = Example Structures:  Deuteromycota: Sphaeropsidales: Sphaerioidaceae


Deuteromycota (Fungi Imperfecti):  Melanconiales


Plate 152 = Acervuli:  Gloeosporium sp. & Colletotrichum lindemuthianum.

Plate 154 = Melanconiales:  Conidia types.

Plate 241 = Example Structures:  Deuteromycota:  Melanconiales & Mycelia Sterilia


Deuteromycota (Fungi Imperfecti):  Moniliales


Plate 155 = Capsules of Cryptococcus neoformans.

Plate 156 = Structures of Candida albicans & Geotrichum sp.

Plate 157 = Budding & spore production:  Nectaromyces spp. & Sporobolomyces spp.

Plate 158 = Moniliales:  Conidia types.

Plate 159 = Sporodochium of Fusarium lini & Fusarium sp.

Plate 242 = Example Structures:  Deuteromycota:  Moniliales


Deuteromycota (Fungi Imperfecti):  Mycelia Sterilia


Plate 241 = Example Structures:  Deuteromycota:  Melanconiales & Mycelia Sterilia




Plate 243