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Van Driesche, R.G. and T.S. Bellows, Jr (1995)




  [Additional references may be found a:  MELVYL Library]



Bellows, T.S., Jr. 1981.  The descriptive properties of some models for density dependence.  Journal ofanimal Ecology, 50:139-156.


Bellows, T.S., Jr. 1982a.  Analytical models for laboratory populations of Callosobruchus chinensis and C maculatus (Coleoptera, Bruchidae).  Journal of Animal Ecology, 51: 263-287.


Bellows, T.S., Jr. 1982b.  Simulation models for laboratory populations of Callosobruchus chinensis and C maculatus.  Journal of Animal Ecology, 51: 597-623.


Bellows, T.S., Jr. 1993.  Introduction of natural enemies for suppression of arthropod pests, pp. 82-89.  In: Lumsden, R. andj.  Vaughn, (eds.). Pest Management.- Biologically Based Technologies.  Amer. Chemical Soc., Washington, D.C., U.S.A.


Bellows, T.S., Jr. and M.H. Birley. 1981.  Estimating developmental and mortality rates and stage recruitment from insect stage frequency data.  Researches on Population Ecology, 23: 232-244.


Bellows, T.S., Jr. and M.P. Hassell. 1984.  Models for interspecific competition in laboratory populations of Cailosobruchus spp.  Journal of Animal Ecology, 53: 831-848.


Bellows, T.S., Jr. and M.P. Hassell. 1988.  The dynamics of age- structured host-parasitoid interactions.  Journal of Animal Ecology, 57: 259-268.


Bellows, T.S., Jr. and E.F. Legner. 1993.  Foreign Exploration, pp. 25-41.  In: Van Driesche, R.G. and T.S. Bellows, Jr., (eds.). Steps in Classical Aribropod Biological ControL Thomas Say Public. in Entomol., Entomological Soc. of Amer., Lanham, Maryland, U.S.A.


Bellows, T.S., Jr. and J.G. Morse. 1988.  Residual toxicity following dilute or low-volume applications of insecticides used for control of California red scale (Homoptera: Diaspididae) to four beneficial species in a citrus agroecosystem.  J. Econ. Entomol., 81: 892-898.


Bellows, T.S., Jr. andj.G. Morse. 1993.  Toxicity of pesticides used in citrus to Aphytis melinus DeBach (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Rbizobius lophanthae (Blaisd.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae).  Canad. Entom., 125: 987-994.


Bellows, T.S.,Jr.,J.C. Owens, and E.W. Huddleston. 1982a.  Predation of range caterpillar, Hemileuca oliviae(Lepidptera: Saturniidae) at various stages of development by different species of rodents in New Mexico during 1980.  Environ.Entomol., 11: 1211-1215.


Bellows, T. S., Jr., M. Ortiz, J.C. Owens, and E.W. Huddleston. 1982b.  A model for analyzing insect stage-frequency data when mortality varies with time.  Researches on Population Ecology, 24: 142-156.


Bellows, T.S., Jr., J.G. Morse, D.G. Hadjidemetriou, and Y. Iwata. 1985.  Residual toxicity of four insecticides used for control of citrus thrips (Thysanoptera: 'fbripidae) on three beneficial species in a citrus agroecosystem.  J. Econ. Entomol., 78: 681-686.


Bellows, T.S., Jr., J.G. Morse, L.K. Gaston, and J.B. Bailey. 1988.  The fate of two systemic insecticides and their impact on two phytophagous and a beneficial arthropod in a citrus agroecosystem.  J. Econ. Entomol., 81:899-904.


Bellows, T.S., Jr., R.G. Van Driesche, andj.S. Elkinton. 1989.  Extensions to Southwood and Jepson's graphical method of estimating numbers entering a stage for calculating mortality due to parasitism.  Researches on Population Ecology, 31:169-184.


Bellows, T.S., Jr., TD.  Paine, K-Y Arakawa, C. Meisenbacher, P. Leddy, and J. Kabashima. 1990.  Biological control sought for ash whitefly.  California Agriculture, 44(l): 4-6.


Bellows, T.S., Jr., J.G. Morse, and LK.  Gaston. 1992a.  Residual toxicity of pesticides used for control of lepidopteran insects in citrus to the predaceous mite Euseius stipulatusAthias-Henriot (Acarina: Phytoseiidae).  J. Applied Entomol., 113: 493-501.


Bellows, T.S., jt, T.D. Paine,J.R. Gould, L.G. Bezark, J.C. Ball, W. Bentley, R. Coviello,j.  Downer, P. Elam, D. Flaherty,


P.Gouveia, K. Koehler, R. Molinar, N. O'Connell, E. Perry, and G. Vogel. 1992b.  Biological control of ash whitefly: a success in progress.  California Agriculture, 46(l): 24, 27-28.


Bellows, T.S., Jr., R.G. Van Driesche, and J.S. Elkinton. 1992c.  Life-table construction and analysis in the evaluation of natural enemies.  Annu. Rev of Entomol., 37: 587-614.


Bellows, T.S., Jr., J.G. Morse, and LK.  Gaston. 1993.  Residual toxicity of pesticides used for lepidopteran insect control on citrus to Aphytis melinus DeBach (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae).  Canad. Entom., 125: 995-1001.


Van Driesche, R. G. 1983.  The meaning of percent parasitism in studies of insect parasitoids. Environ. Entomol., 12: 1611-1622.


Van Driesche, R.G. 1988.  Field levels of encapsulation and superparasitism for Cotesia glomerata (L.) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in Pieris rapae (L.) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Soc., 61: 328-331.  


Van Driesche, R.G. 1989a.  Extending biological control: The role of extension agents in the use of natural enemies. The IPM Practitioner, 11 (10): 1-3.


Van Driesche, R.G. 1989b.  What every state needs-A biological control coordinator. the IPM Practitioner, 11 (9): 5-7.  


Van Driesche, R.G. 1993.  Methods for the field colonization of new biological control agents, pp. 67-86. in Van Driesche, R.G. and T.S. Bellows, Jr., (eds.). Steps in Classical Arthropod Biological ControL Thomas Say Public. in Entomol., Entomological Soc. of Amer., Lanham, Maryland, U.S.A., 88 pp.


Van Driesche, R.G. 1994.  Biological control for the control of environmental pests.  Florida Entomologist, 77: 20-33. 


Van Driesche, R.G. and T.S. Bellows, Jr. 1988.  Use of host and parasitoid recruitment in quantifying losses from parasitism in insect populations with reference to Pieris rapae and Cotesia glomerata.  Ecological Entomokgy, 13: 215-222.


Van Driesche, R.G. and E. Carey. 1987. Opportunities for Increased Use of Biological Control in Massachusetts. Massachusetts Agric. Experiment Station Bull. #718, Amherst, Massachusetts, U.S.A.


Van Driesche, R.G. and D.N. Ferro. 1989. Using biological control in Massachusetts.- Cole crop Lepidoptera. University of Massachusetts Cooperative Extension Service Publication L-597, Amherst, Massachusetts, U.S.A.


Van Driesche, R.G. and G.G. Gyrisco. 1979.  Field studies of Microctonus aethiopoides, a parasite of the adult alfalfa weevil, Hypera postica, in New York. Environ. Entomol., 8: 238-244.


Van Driesche, R.G. and C. Hulbert. 1984.  Host acceptance and discrimination by Comperia merceti (Compere) (Hymenoptera:Encyrtidae) and evidence for an optimal density range for resource utilization. J. Chem. Ecol., 10: 1399-1409.


Van Driesche, R. G. and G. Taub. 1983. impact of parasitoids on Phyllonorycter leafminers infesting apple in Massachusetts, USA.  Protection Ecologv, 5: 303-317.


Van Driesche, R.G., A. Bellotti, Cj.  Herrera, andj.A. Castillo. 1987.  Host feeding and ovipositor insertion as sources of mortality in the mealybug Phenacoccus berreni caused by two encyrtids, Epidinocanis diversicornis and Acerophagus coccois.  Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 44: 97-100.


Van Driesche, R.G., T.S. Bellows, Jr., D.N. Ferro, R. Hazzard, and A. Maher. 1989a.  Estimating stage survival from recruitment and density data, with reference to egg mortality in the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decem­lineata (Say) [Coleoptera: Chrysomelidael.  Canad. Entom., 121: 291-300.


Van Driesche, R.G., R. Prokopy, W. Coli, and T. Bellows. 1989b.  Using biological control in Massachusetts.- Apple blotch leafminer.  Massachusetts Cooperative Extension Service Publication L-594, Amherst, Massachusetts, U.S.A.


Van Driesche, R.G., W. Coli, and S. Schumacher. 1990.  Update: Lessons from the Massachusetts biological control initiative. The IPM Practitioner, 12 (4): 1-5.


Van Driesche, R.G., D.N. Ferro, E. Carey, and A. Maher. 1990.  Assessing augmentative releases of parasitoids using the "recruitment method", with reference to Edovumput..., a parasitoid of the Colorado potato beetle [Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae.  Entomophaga, 36:193-204.


Van Driesche, R.G., J.S. Elkinton, and T.S. Bellows, Jr. 1994.  Potential use of life tables to evaluate the impact of parasitism on population growth of the apple blotch leafminer (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae).  In: Maier, C., (ed.). Integrated Management of Tentiform Leafminers, Phyllonorycter (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) spp., in North A meri­can Apple Orchards.  Thomas Say Public. in Entomol., Entomological Soc. of Amer., Lanham, Mary­land, U.S.A.