File: <keys.htm>                                                                                                 Bibliography #1        Bibliography #2        General Index          [Navigate to   MAIN MENU ]


                             Derived from Graduate Courses at The University of  California

                           The University of Wisconsin & Utah State University









The identification of insects is a difficult process that usually requires specialists.  Therefore, directing specimens to the proper authorities facilitates identification.  The following keys are designed to aid in the determination of insect families, and in some cases subfamilies and species as well.  Family names are occasionally grouped into a single family, but most have remained intact over time.  However, family assignment to Superfamilies continue to vary among specialists.


     ----- Please CLICK on underlined categories for details:


 Interactive Key 

Interactive Key Print-out

Parasitoids of Synanthropic Flies

Subfamilies & Genera of Staphylinidae

Pictures of Beneficial Species

Insect Orders & Families


=  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =


Specialized Keys for Entomophagous Insects


Major  Geographic Areas



All Keys (Alphabetical)





  NOTE:  The keys in this series are in a continuous process of renovation and updating.

                     Older distributions into Superfamilies are retained and compared.