157a (156a).    Antennae inserted on front above base of mandibles; clypeus extends laterally

             beyond the base of antennae; often brightly colored insects (Figs.A-C) (general

predators)........................................................................................….............(Coleoptera)  Cicindelidae


             Please CLICK on pictures to enlarge



                              A                                   B                                     C



157b.    Antennae inserted on side of head between base of mandible and eye; clypeus does not

             extend laterally beyond base of antennae; most are dark, shiny and flattened

(Figs.A-F) (general predators).........................................................…..............(Coleoptera)  Carabidae


             Please CLICK on pictures to enlarge



                           A                            B                              C                                D



                                                        E                             F