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Entomology / Biological Pest Control





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Qiu, H.G., L.F. He, D.C. Ding, J.L. Wang, Z.L. Qiu, and Bj.  Shen. 1988.  Effect of diet on the kairomonal activity of frass from Ostrinia furnacalis larvae to the parasitoid Macrocentrus unearis.  Contributions from Shanghai Inst. of Entomol., 8: 77-83. (in Chinese)


























Quaintance, A. L.  1912.  The Mediterranean fruit-fly.  U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Entomol. Cir. No. 160.  25 pp.


Quayle, H. J.  1911a.  The red or orange scale.  Calif. Agr. Expt. STa. Bull. 222:  99-150.


Quayle, H. J.  1911b.  The black scale.  Calif. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. 223:  149-201.


Quayle, H. J.  1912.  Red spiders and mites of citrus trees.  Calif. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. 234:  483-530.


Quayle, H. J.  1913.  Some natural enemies of spiders and mites.  J. Econ. Ent. 6:  85-88.


Quayle, H. J.  1938.  Insects of Citrus and Other Subtropical Fruits.  Ithaca, N. Y., Comstock Publ. Co., Inc.  583 p.


Quednau, W.  1955.  Uber einige Trichogramma-wirte und ihre Stellung im Wirt-Parasit-Verhältnis.  Ein Beitrag zur Analyse des Parasitismus bei Schlupwespen.  Nachrichten. deutsch. Pflanzensch. 7:  145-48.


Quednau, W.  1956a.  Die biologischen Kriterien zur Unterschiedung von Trichogramma Arten.  Zeitsch. Pflanzen. Krankh. 63:  334-44.


Quednau, W.  1956b.  Der Wert des physiologischen Experiments zur das Artsystematik von Trichogramma (Hym. Chalcididae).  Berlin Hundertjahr. deut. Ent. Ges. 30:  87-92.


Quednau, W.  1960.  Uber die Identität der Trichogramma- Arten und einiger Okotypen (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidae: Trichogrammatidae).  Mitt. biol. Bundesanst. Land. Forstwirt. Berlin, Dahlem 100:  11-50.


Quednau, W.  1961.  Die Problematik der Nomenklatur bei den Trichogramma-arten.  Entomophaga 6(2):  155-61.


Quednau, F. W.  1964a.  A contribution on the genus Aphytis Howard in South Africa (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae).  Ent. Soc. So. Africa J. 27:  86-116.


Quednau, F. W.  1964b.  Experimental evidence of differential fecundity on red scale (Aonidiella aurantii (Mask.)) in six species of Aphytis (Hymenoptera, Aphelinidae).  South AFrica J. Agr. Sci. 7:  335-40.


Quednau, F. W.  1964c.  An evaluation of fecundity, host-mutilation and longevity on three species of diaspine scales in Aphytis lingnanensis Compere (Hymenoptera, Aphelinidae).  South Africa J. Agr. Sci. 7:  521-30.


Quednau, F. W.  1965a.  A technique for identifying mixed populations of six species of Aphytis parasitic on red scale (Aonidiella aurantii (Mask.)) for recognition after recovery from scales collected in citrus orchards (Hymenoptera, Aphelinidae).  Sosuth Africa J. Agr. Sci. 8: 43-56.


Quednau, F. W.  1965b.  Experimental evidence of differential fecundity on red scale in six species of Aphytis.  South Afr. Citrus J. 383:  11, 13, 15.


Quednau, F. W.  1967a.  Notes on mating behavior and oviposition of Chrysocharis laricinellae (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), a parasite of the larch casebearer (Coleophora laricella).  Canad. Ent. 99:  326-31.


Quednau, F. W.  1967b.  Ecological observations on Chrysocharis laricinellae (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), a parasite of the larch casebearer (Coleophora laricella).  Canad. Ent. 99:  631-41.


Quednau, F. W.  1970.  Competition and cooperation between Chrysocharis laricinellae and Agathis pumila on arch casebearer in Quebec.  Canad. Ent. 102:  602-12.


Quednau, F. W. & D. P. Annecke.  1963.  Biological control of citrus red scale.  South AFrica Citrus J., Sept. 1963:  11-22.


Quednau, F. W. & H. M. Hübsch.  1964.  Factors influencing the host-finding and host-acceptance pattern in some Aphytis species (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae).  So. Africa J. Agr. Sci. 7:  543-53.


Quednau, W.  1955.  Uber einige Trichogramma-- Wirte und ihre Stellung im Wirt-Parasit-Verhältnis.  Ein Beitrag zur Analyse des Parasitismus bei Schlupfwespen.  Nachrichtenbl. deutsch. Pflanzenschutz 7:  145-8.


Quednau, W.  1956a.  Die biologischen Kriterien zur Unterschiedung von Trichogramma-Arten.  Zeitschr. Pflanzen. krankh. 63:  334-44.


Quednau, W.  1956b.  Der Wert des physiologischen Experiments für die Artsystematik von Trichogramma (Hym. Chalcididae).  Ber. Hundertjahrfeier deutsch. Ent. Ges. Berlin 30:  87-92.


Quednau, W.  1957.  Uber den Einfluss von Temperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit auf den Eiparasiten, Trichogramma cacoeciae Marchal.  Mitteil. Biol. Bundesanstalt Land. u. Forstwirtschaft. 90:  1-63.


Quereshi, A. H. & E. C. Bay.  1969.  Some observations on Hydra americana Hymen as a predator of Culex peus Speiser mosquito larvae.  Mosq. News 29:  465-71.


Questel, D. D. & W. G. Genung.  1957.  Establishment of the parasite Anagyrus antoninae in Florida for the control of Rhodes grass scale.  Fla. Ent. 40:  123-25.


Questel, D. D. & W. G. Genung.  1961.  Effects of a severe winter on survival of the recently established parasite of the Rhodes grass scale in Florida.  Fla. Ent. 44:  115.


Quednau, F. W. & H. M. Hubsch.  1964.  Factors influencing the host-finding and host acceptance pattern in some Aphytis species (Hym: Aphelinidae).  S. Africa J. Agr. Sci. 7:  543-54.


Quezada, J. R.  1967.  Notes on the biology of Rothschildia ?aroma [Lepidoptera: Saturniidae], with special reference to its control by pupal parasites in El Salvador.  Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 60:  595-9.


Quezada, J. R.  1969.  Population biology of the cottony-cushion scale, Icerya purchasi Maskell (Homoptera: Coccidae) and its natural enemies in Southern California.  Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Calif., Riverside.  132 p.


Quezada, J. R.  1974.  Biological control of Aleurocanthus woglumi (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) in El Salvador.  Entomophaga 19:  243-54.


Quezada, J. R.  1974.  Biological control of Aleurocanthus woglumi (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) in El Salvador.  Entomophaga 19:  243-54.


Quezada, J. R.  1967.  Biological studies of Signiphora "Borinquensis," new species (Hymenoptera: Thysanidae), a primary parasite of diaspine scales.  M. S. Thesis, Univ. of Calif., Riverside.  98 p.


Quezada, J. R. & P. DeBach.  1973.  Bioecological and population studies of the cottony cushion scale, Icerya purchasi Mask., and its natural enemies, Rodolia cardinalis Muls., and Cryptochaetum iceryae Will., in southern California.  Hilgardia 41(2):  631-88.


Quezada, J. R.  1967.  Biological studies of Signiphora "Borinquensis," new species (Hymenoptera: Thysanidae), a primary parasite of diaspine scales.  M. S. Thesis, Univ. of Calif., Riverside.


Quezada, J. R.  1973.  Biological and taxonomic studies of Signiphora borinquensis, new species, (Hymenoptera: Signiphoridae), a primary parasite of diaspine scales.  Hilgardia 41(18):  543-604.


Quezada, J. R., P. DeBach & D. Rosen.  1973.  Biological and taxonomic studies of Signophora borinquensis, new species,  (Hym: Signiphoridae), a primary parasite of diaspine scales.  Hilgardia 41:  543-604.


Quezada, J. R., P. H. DeBach & D. Rosen.  1973.  Biological and taxonomic studies of Signiphora borinquensis, new species (Hymenoptera: Signiphoridae), a primary parasite of diaspine scales.  Hilgardia 41:  543-604.


Quezada, J. R.  1974.  Biological control of Aleurocanthus woglumi (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) in El Salvador.  Entomophaga 19:  243-54.


Quezada, J. R. & P. DeBach.  1973.  Bioecological and population studies of the cottony-cushion scale, Icerya purchasi Mask. and its natural enemies, Rodolia cardinalis Mul. Cryptochaetum iceryae Will., in southern California.  Hilgardia 41:  631-88.


Quezada, J. R., P. DeBach & D. Rosen.  1973.  Biological studies of Signiphora borinquensis new species (Hyemnoptera: Signiphoridae), a primary parasite of diaspine scales.  Hilgardia 41:  543-603.


Quinlan, J.  1978.  Hymenoptea, Cynipoidea, Eucoilidae.  handb. Identif. Brit. Insects VIII 7(b):  1-58.


Quinlan, R. J. 1990.  Registration requirements and safety considerations for microbial pest control agents in the European Economic Community, pp. 11-18.  In:Laird, M., L.A. Lacey and E.W. Davidson, (eds.). Safety of Microbial Insecticides.CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, U.S.A.


Quinn, M. A. & A. A. Hower.  1987.  Predation of eggs of Sitona hispidulus [Col. Curculionidae] in alfalfa.  Entomophaga Prozell, S.  1995.  The egg-parasitoid Trichogramma evanescens (Hym.: Trichogrammatidae) as a potential biological control agent against the Indian meal moth Plodia interpunctella (Lep.: Pyralidae).  Wajnberg, E. (Ed.). Colloques de l'INRA, No. 73. Trichogramma and other egg parasitoids; (INRA Colloquia, No. 73. Trichogramma and other egg parasitoids); 4th International Symposium, Cairo, Egypt, October 4-7, 1994. 226p. INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique): Paris, France.  ISBN 2-7380-0618-3. 1995. p. 131-132.  32:  3-8.


Quinn, W. G., W. A. Harris & S. Benzer.  1974.  Conditioned behavior in Drosophila melanogaster.  Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 71:  708-12.


Quinton, R. J. & C. C. Doane.  1962.  Bacillus thuringiensis against the fall cankerworm, Alsophila pometaria.  J. Econ. Ent. 55:  567-68.


Quiot, J.-M., C. Vago & S. Paradis.  1970.  production en masse des virus de polyédroses nucléaires sur tissus de Lépidoptères maintenus in vitro.  Entomophaga 15:  437-43.


Quintana, F. J.  1961.  Observaciones biológicas y ensayos para el control químico de la moriposita europea de los brotes del pino (Evetria buoliana) en Balcarce.  IDIA (Inform. Invest. Agr.), Buenos Aires 160:  1-10.


Quintela, E D; McCoy, C W.  1997.   Pathogenicity enhancement of Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana to first instars of Diaprepes abbreviatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) with sublethal doses of imidacloprid.   Environ. Entomol., v.26, n.5, (1997): 1173-1182.


Quintela, E D; McCoy, C W.  1998.  Synergistic effect of imidacloprid and two entomopathogenic fungi on the behavior and survival of larvae of Diaprepes abbreviatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in soil.   J. of Economic Entomol., v.91, n.1, (1998): 110-122.


Quintela, Eliane D.; McCoy, Clayton W.  1998.  Conidial attachment of Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana to the larval cuticle of Diaprepes abbreviatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

treated with imidacloprid.   J. of Invertebrate Pathology, v.72, n.3, (1998. Nov.): 220-230.


Quiroz-Martinez, H; Herrera-Delgadillo, M A; Badii, M H.  1996.  The effect of Bacillus thuringiensis in the predation of Buenoa antigone on larvae of Aedes aegypti. Southwestern Entomol., v.21, n.4,: 483-484. [in Spanish]


Quist, J. A. & L. Anderson.  1963.  Parasites of the peach twig borer.  Progr. Rept. Colorado Agr. Expt. Sta., Colorado, PR 100.  2 p.


Quistad, G. B., W. S. Skinner & D. A. Schooley.  1988.  Venoms of social Hymenoptera-- toxicity to the lepidopteran, Manduca sexta.  Insect Biochem. 18(6):  511-14.


Qureshi, A. H. & E. C. Bay.  1969.  Some observations on Hydra americana Hyman as a predator of Culex peus Speiser mosquito larvae.  Mosq. News 29(3):  465-71.