Guidelines for Contributors

InsectPhysiologyOnline seeks information pertinent to the teaching of Insect Physiology.  Material suitable for publication on IPOnline can be submitted in any one of several ways listed below.
  • If you have material posted on the web, please submit the URL (web address) to:
  • Files may be submitted as email attachments, or on 3 1/2" or zip disks. We will convert your files to HTML and upload them onto the IP site.
  • We can convert files from a variety of software, including Word 95 or later, WordPerfect 7.0 or 8.0, PowerPoint 95 or later, or Corel Presentations 8. If you're really a technology buff, send us a PowerPoint presentation with voice accompaniment.

InsectPhysiologyOnline wishes to provide access to a broad variety of Insect Physiology resources.  Suggestions as to what sort of material is sought are made below.

  • Visual materials that clarify physiological principles may include photographs, tables, graphs, gifs, jpgs, compressed video, or links to your web site.
  • Research articles may be submitted with proper permission from authors and publishers.  Please see the Copyright section below.
  • Unpublished research articles are welcomed and will be subject to review before posting.
  • Review articles on any of the subtopics of Insect Physiology are especially welcome.  If these are unpublished they will also be reviewed before posting.
  • Class information may also be submitted, such as class schedules, useful references, class outlines, textbooks in use, etc.  This material will be posted in hopes of assisting teachers who may be designing classes in Insect Physiology.
  • Bibliographies on one of the various subtopics in Insect Physiology are welcome and will be posted under each subtopic.


Please obtain permission from publishers and co-authors before sending copyrighted materials.  By submitting material to this site, you give permission for its use in classrooms throughout the world.  All published work that is used will have standard references to the original publication.
Click here for links to sites on copyright laws.


Contributions may be written as single lectures, a lecture series, a review from a recently submitted grant, or as review manuscripts. Since the literature of insect physiology was well reviewed in 1985 in Comprehensive Insect Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology edited by G.A. Kerkut and L.I. Gilbert, most references should be from 1985 and later. Please consider reviewing all literature on a topic published since 1985. Contributions that point out changes in dogma, recent discoveries, and systems unique to specific insects are particularly important for instructors who are specialists in one area and teach the broad topic of insect physiology.

New Information

Occasionally colleagues may know of or discover some new information in one of the subtopices of insect physiology, or know of an important new paper or publication.  these new breakthroughs will be given a prominent place under the subtopic listings and we especially want to encourage their posting here on InsectPhysiologyOnline.


Contributions should be from 3,500 to 7,000 words in length.  Figures and photographs should be attached through links rather than embedded in the text (we can do the mechanics). This will allow people who have slower computers to upload your work more quickly.  High quality color pictures can be mailed to Dr. Thomas Miller. We can scan either prints or 35 mm slides.  Data should be prepared in table format rather than using tabs to delineate columns.The quantity of data should be appropriate for a projected slide.

The style and editorial guidelines of the Entomological Society of America should be used. The ESA Style Guide can be reached at the following internet address:

Accuracy in citing the literature is particularly important. References should be cited with the author(s) name(s) (Schwartz, Schwartz and Reynolds, or Schwartz et. al) and year of publication. If more than one paper is present for one year, indicate the papers as 19XXa, 19XXb, etc. Each topic will have a full bibliography and available abstracts from Agricola.

Please include the date your material was placed on your personal web site. Each submitted article will have a revision date added when it is linked to IP Online.

If you know of sites that you want linked to your chapter, please include the URL addresses.

Submission of Materials

Submit your contribution to Elaine Roberts or Tom Miller. In the near future, we will have subject editors listed in the INFORMATION section of this site. Each subject editor will be responsible for reviewing or having others review each contribution before it is linked or uploaded onto InsectPhysiologyOnline.

Experiments, Videos, and Demonstrations

We are particularly interested in providing special resources for faculty teaching insect physiology. Instructions for experiments, short videos, and demonstrations may be available on the home page of the author or submitted as indicated above. These will be linked directly without review.


We would like to have each author update their topic on a regular basis. The frequency may vary depending on the subject. Those not revised within two years will be removed from the site.

Links to Home Pages

Submitting a contribution to this site will be viewed as permission to link to the home page(s) of the author(s). If you do not have a home page, please submit a 2 x 3" (5 x 7 cm) photograph, a brief bibliography (150-300 words), and a list of recent publications. Your name, affiliation, and position will be included in the listing of the contribution under PHYSIOLOGY SUBJECTS.



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