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9. Pronotal collar carinate (a1), and petiole with at least a dorsal anterior shelf and often the entire base encircled by a complete flared carina (b1), and face with transverse frontal suture \_/ shaped, with the scrobal grooves reaching it separately as sulci not marking points of facial collapse (c1), and propodeum with plicae and a median carina, raised strip, or pair of carinae (d1), and first gastral tergite rigid and not collapsing when dried, more convex than the following tergites (b1). Propodeum in most species with diverging submedian carinae or a posteriorly split median carina, but many Neotropical species with a raised, flat, smooth median strip.

Pediobius Walker, 1846

9'. Characters not present in combination. Especially, petiole usually without anterior shelf. Most species without divergent submedian carinae on propodeum. Gaster in some similar genera (especially Proacrias) more weakly sclerotized and first tergite not forming a rigid structure (bb1).

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  pediobius_gaster.jpg (117942 bytes)

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pediobius foveolatus propodeum.JPG (15923 bytes)

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Image credits: a1, d1: Schauff (1991). aa1: Hansson (1986a). aa2: Hansson (1985a).