Dan Hare’s Research and Service to the University of California

While an undergraduate at Stanford University I heard Paul Ehrlich and Peter Raven lecture on  “coevolution,” or the potential for reciprocal selection and evolution between plants and herbivores (1) in one of my classes. Like many other hypotheses, the coevolution hypotheses was deceptively simple, but, for me, the core question was to what extent herbivores might reduce plant fitness, and to what extent they could reduce plant fitness differentially on different plant genotypes, thereby selecting for more herbivore-resistant plants.

Most of my research strives to answer one of three fundamental questions. The first question asks, "What is the actual impact of herbivores on plants?" The second related question is, "When do herbivores impose selection on plants for herbivore resistance?" The third question asks, "If resistance to herbivores is beneficial, then why aren't all plants resistant?"

The first question tests the assumption that all herbivory is detrimental and suggests that plants may tolerate some damage. Implicit in the second and third questions is the assumption that the benefits of any particular plant resistance mechanism may be limited, and that such benefits accrue only at some cost. My goals are to learn how herbivores affect plant fitness and to understand the potential trade-offs between the costs and benefits of host plant resistance against different herbivore species.  I am particularly interested in the genetic component of such variation and how such variation is mediated chemically. Perhaps more than any other group, insects assess the quality of their environment through chemical means.  I have worked with several different plant chemicals that influence plant-herbivore interactions. These include not only "primary" chemicals such as leaf protein and individual free amino acids that determine the nutritional quality of plants, but also several classes of "secondary" chemicals. These include terpenoids, alkaloids, tannins and other phenolic compounds, defensive sugar esters, and more recently, representatives of many of these chemical classes whose production is induced following herbivore damage.

1.      Ehrlich PR, Raven PM. 1964. Butterflies and plants: a study in coevolution. Evolution 18:586-608.  DOI:  10.1111/j.1558-5646.1964.tb01674.x


Plant-Herbivore and Tritrophic Interactions on Datura wrightii  in Southern California

A Plant Defense Dimorphism in Western Jimsonweed, Datura wrightii
Costs and Benefits of Plant Resistance in Datura wrightii
Interactions between Plant Resistance and Natural enemies in Datura wrightii

Basic and Applied Research in California’s Citrus agroecosystem

Citrus Pest Management
A Citrus Tritrophic Interaction
Chemical Mediation of Host Selection by a Biocontrol Agent

Basic and Applied Research on the Colorado Potato Beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata

Pest Management of the Colorado Potato Beetle
Ecological Studies involving the Colorado Potato Beetle

Graduate studies

Peer-reviewed Publications

Honors and Awards

Elected Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Section on Biological Science, 2008.  Announcement.

Distinguished Campus Service Award.  UC Riverside Academic Senate, 2012.  Announcement.

Plant-Insect Ecosystems Award, Pacific Branch, Entomological Society of America, 2013.  Announcement.

University of California Systemwide Academic Senate Vice-Chair (2014-15) and Chair (2015-16).  Announcement.
University of California Systemwide Academic Senate “Oliver Johnson Award for Distinguished Leadership,” 2022.  Announcement

University and Public Service

Campus, National, and International Service
UC Riverside Academic Senate
UC Systemwide Academic Senate Committees
UC Systemwide Senate Vice-Chair 2014-15
UC Systemwide Senate Chair 2015-16
Faculty Advisor to President Janet Napolitano

Final Remarks