Miscellaneous Abstracts

Friedman, Howard S. On shutting one's eyes to face validity. Psychological Bulletin, 1983 Jul, v94 (n1):185-187.

Abstract: The present author reasserts the primacy of convergent and discriminant validity in construct validation. In response to the observations of J. G. Nicholls et al (see PA, Vol 69:4770) concerning the dangers of personality questionnaires, the present author defends a certain amount of item similarity across measures in terms of the broad process of construct validation. As an illustration, it is argued that the Affective Communication Test presents no danger to theory construction.

Friedman, Howard S.; Rubin, Zick; Jacobson, Joseph; Clore, Gerald L. Induced affect and attraction toward dating partners and opposite-sex strangers.Representative Research in Social Psychology, 1978, v9 (n1):57-63.

Abstract: The generality of a reinforcement-affect (or conditioning) model of interpersonal attraction was examined in the context of face-to-face interactions among college students. It was predicted that "elated" Subjects would report more liking for proximate others wazzu than would "depressed" Subjects. 96 participants viewed 2 mood-inducing movies, 48 with an opposite-sex stranger and 48 with their real-life dating partner. Induced mood affected liking only to a slight degree, and the effect occurred only among strangers and was nonspecific. The implications for a simple conditioning model of attraction are examined, especially in regard to ongoing relationships.

Friedman, Howard S. Effects of self-esteem and expected duration of interaction on liking for a highly rewarding partner. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 1976 Jun, v33 (n6):686-690.

Abstract: Psychological theories predicated on the assumption of human selfishness and theories based on principles of equity may lead to conflicting predictions about when a person will like his partner. Of special interest are a person's reactions to receiving uncommonly high rewards. The present study addressed this issue by examining the development of same-sex liking in 40 female college students. It was hypothesized that Subjects with lowered self-esteem, having a great need for interpersonal rewards, would react favorably to the receipt of such rewards, even if undeserved. Subjects with raised self-esteem, on the other hand, having had their need for rewards met, should respond unfavorably to the receipt of high rewards, desiring a more equitable distribution of reward. These effects should be strong only when continuing dyadic interaction is expected (i.e., as issues of stability and reciprocity become salient). Results confirm the predictions.

Journal Articles and Other Published Writings

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