<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT"%> <% Option Explicit 'Option Explicit requires that you declare all variables Dim strDocsPath, strDocsPhysicalPath Dim objFSO, objFolder, objFiles, objFile Dim strName, strFile, strType, lngSize ' NOTE: set the following line to the folder to display strDocsPath = "http://www.faculty.ucr.edu/~eschwitz/SchwitzPapers" 'NOTE: Change this setting to the folder in your directory that contains                                                 'the files you want to list ' map the folder to a physical path strDocsPhysicalPath = Server.MapPath(strDocsPath) ' create a system file object Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ' create an object for the folder Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDocsPhysicalPath) %> Eric Schwitzgebel - Home Page <%' create a files collection Set objFiles = objFolder.Files ' step through the files collection For Each objFile in objFiles ' get a file's name strName = objFile.Name ' make it lowercase for the URL strFile = Lcase(strName) ' get the file's type strType = objFile.Type ' make the name a title for display strName = MakeTitle(strName) ' get the file size in KB lngSize = objFile.Size\1024 ' output the filename and URL Response.Write "
  • " & strName & "
    " ' output the file's size and type Response.Write "(" & lngSize & "KB " & strType & ")
  • " & vbCrLf Next ' this function simply drops the extension from a file Function MakeTitle(strTemp) If InStrRev(strTemp,".") Then strTemp = Left(strTemp,InStrRev(strTemp,".")-1) End If MakeTitle = strTemp End Function %> Return to Eric Schwitzgebel's homepage.

    (hits since August 18, 2004)