Damage Thresholds:

One of the most common questions is on "if and how much damage can be expected when a certain number of plant-parasitic nematodes have been found in a soil sample". The answer to this questions depends on many factors such as the crop variety to be grown, the species of nematodes present, geographical location, soil type, management strategies etc. However, a rough indication about the damaging potential of a certain nematode to a certain crop variety can be obtained from controlled greenhouse or field experiments.

We have focused on the damage to melon (cantaloupe) by the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita.

Relevant publications:

Ploeg, A.T. and M. S. Phillips. 2001. Damage to melon (Cucumis melo L.) cv. Durango by Meloidogyne incognita in Southern California. Nematology 3:151-158.

Ploeg, A. T. 2001. The relationship between pre-plant levels of root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne incognita and melon growth. UCCE Kern County Newsletter. August 2001. pp. 4-5.

Ploeg, A. T., and Turini, T. A. 2000. Root-knot nematodes on melon. CAPCA Advisor September/October 2000. pp. 16-17.

Turini, T. A., and Ploeg, A. T. 2000. Management of root-knot nematodes in melons. Imperial Agricultural Briefs. October 2000. p.7.

Ploeg, A.T. 1999. Nematode numbers and yield losses. Central Coast Agriculture Highlights, October 1999. p. 2-3.

Ploeg, A. T. 2001. It only takes a few root-knot nematodes to decrease yield. Fumigation Forum. March 2001. p. 2

Page Created and Maintained by Scott Edwards Department of Nematology